What is “chemsex”?

The phenomenon of "chemsex" consists of drug abuse behaviors before or during sexual intercourse in order to facilitate, initiate, prolong, sustain, and intensify the encounter.

Infertility in the life of a couple

When we talk about infertility, it is impossible not to talk about couples as well. This is mainly because infertility is both a symptom and a problem of the couple

Habits that harm sex life

When you deals with sexual activity, age undoubtedly matters, because hormones male and female play a key role in the induction of desire and in triggering the mechanisms that enable

Medical Provisions and Peyronie’s Disease

Some medical devices, which can be used in Peyronie's Disease, can complement the various drug therapies, or of antioxidants and supplements, with obvious results in reducing the penile curve.

The “G” point

But where can one find the G-spot, this pleasure zone ? Every navigator of eros will have to find out for themselves, or at most with some suggestions from their partner, or with a little help from Anatomy of the Female Genital Apparatus.

Introduction to sexuality

Despite the fact that the Western world is surrounded by images with more or less explicit sexual content, the concept of sexuality, its nuances and its most intrinsic symbols often

Sexuality at risk? Improve it like this

Sexuality is often taken for granted, as if it were an automatic reaction of the body that must always activate and function perfectly on its own, without needing too much

Causes of male infertility


Through history, women have always been accused of being the “cause” of male infertility. From the infamous case of Henry VIII repeatedly divorcing his “infertile” wives, to the millions of anonymous women over the centuries who have suffered insult and humiliation because of their alleged inability to bear children, the burden of procreation has always been shifted onto women’s shoulders. Today we know that infertility can also be due to male causes, which are normally investigated whenever a couple encounters problems in having children. Broadly speaking, the causes of male infertility can be divided into. three areas: the first includes the reduction in quality and quantity or the interruption in the production of spermatozoa in the testicles, the second concerns the pituitary gland dysfunction, which is unable to properly stimulate the testes (endocrine causes, are relatively rare and affect about 1 in every 100 patients); the third area concerns the obstruction of the seminal ducts which transport sperm to the epididymis and vas deferens.

cause of infertility diagnostic method therapies assisted reproductive techniques
varicocele ultrasonography
echodoppler spermiogram
surgery Intrauterine Insemination IUI
In vitro fertilization: ICSI
infections laboratory investigations
immunological antibody research pharmacology
hormonal deficits hormonal investigations hormonal investigations In vitro fertilization:ICSI
genetic disorders genetic investigations:
karyotype, molecular analysis
none In vitro fertilization: ICSI
unexplained infertility Exclusion of obvious causes with the investigations currently available therapies vary depending on the disorder In vitro fertilization: ICSI

Source: Androweb


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