The “G” point

But where can one find the G-spot, this pleasure zone ? Every navigator of eros will have to find out for themselves, or at most with some suggestions from their partner, or with a little help from Anatomy of the Female Genital Apparatus.

What is benign prostatic hypertrophy?

Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), or prostatic adenoma, is a fairly common disease that consists of benign enlargement of the prostate, leading to no small amount of difficulty in urinating. BPH

What is sexual identity?

The Western world is amply surrounded by images with more or less explicit sexual content, but the approach to sexuality is inadequate and highly stereotyped. What is sexuality? Galimberti defines

Vaginal Candida: what is it?

Vaginal candida is the purely female fungal infection that results from the out-of-control growth, at the level of the vagina, of the fungus Candida albicans. Promoted by conditions such as,

Vaginal candidiasis

Vaginal candidiasis infection is a fungal infection that causes irritation, discharge, and intense itching of the vagina and vulva; it is also called vaginal candidiasis and usually every woman has been affected at least a few times in her lifetime.

Internet, Social Media, and Sexual Media

With the emergence and rapid evolution of the World Wide Web a new era of mass communication has dawned. Billions of users worldwide use the Internet as their main means

Renal Colic


An attack of renal colic represents one of the most unfortunate clinical experiences because of the intense pain caused by kidney stones that may be present from the kidney to the already low urinary duct.
Kidney stones are solid structures of varying size that can form in the kidneys, ureters or bladder and can obstruct urine outflow and/or promote the development of inflammation and infection in these organs.

Generally, the pain begins localizing to the flank and soon spreads to the abdomen and up to the groin. It is a pain that causes much suffering to the person in the affected, with constant intensity that is accompanied by phases with sharp pain and twitching.
The stone, responsible for the colic, will have to seek its way out by transiting through the urinary duct to the bladder, causing reactions such as nausea vomiting.
Typically, an attack can wear off in a few hours, assuming there has been therapeutic intervention by the physician either in an outpatient clinic, or in an ER post, with antispasmodic and pain-relieving drugs and sometimes anti-infectives. However, in some cases it can take days for all symptoms to disappear.

Calm and well-being return if the stone begins to dissolve or is excreted in the urine.


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