In the tranquility of our kitchen we may inadvertently incur a sunburn. We almost always immediately resort to the traditional methods passed down from our parents. Be careful, however, these remedies are not always right! In the event of a burn, it is best to rely on the guidance of our experts to prevent unnecessary and painful complications.
Day: January 6, 2024
Hydrating with fruits and vegetables
Discovering Mindfulness: a practice for feeling good about yourself
The concept of Mindfulness is aimed at identifying a set of practices useful for rediscovering and increasing awareness of one’s own experience and feelings, both physical and mental, with the aim of reducing the psycho-physical, relational and emotional stress of our existence. The idea behind the Mindfulness methodology is to approach life, one’s feelings, perceptions and thoughts without any judgment, but with a calm and gentle attitude.
The MBSR ( Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) method originated in the late 1970s at the University of Massachusetts from the mind and experience of Jon Kabat-Zinn. The training practices, both physical and mental, proposed by Kabat-Zinn were effective right away against chronic pain, anxiety, depression, psychosomatic illnesses, and even eating disorders. The MBSR program involves an 8-week-long training cycle that encompasses various activities in order to increase and achieve full awareness of one’s body and mind for one’s mental and physical well-being.
The various activities are highly participatory, supportive and are structured according to the guidance of a conductor, some of them carried out in groups with specific communication exercises. The “Mindfulness Tools“, the name by which we denote the residential training days that enable participants to approach the practice of the MBSR method, are many and varied in nature. Very important are those on meditation, aimed initially at attention on one’s breath to the sensations coming from every part of our body and mind, but also those on Yoga, the exercises on walking and even those aimed at awareness in eating. We will, over the course of the various articles on our portal, go through them in detail one by one.
Meditation exercises
The meditation exercise should be done for about 20 to 30 minutes for at least once or twice a day. You need to sit in a comfortable position and remain as still as possible with your back erect and head straight, and focus on these points:
- Be aware of the inhalation and exhalation
- Be aware of each sensation in different parts of the body
- Be aware of the body as a whole
- Listen to the silence and sounds
- Observe thoughts and emotions as they move in and out of your awareness, but do not allow yourself to be distracted by their contents
- When you notice that your mint is wandering among various thoughts and feelings, gently bring it back to being attentive to the present moment
Underlying this phase of meditation must be a nonjudgmental attitude toward life, meaning that the mind should not be allowed to wander on its own toward the things it likes, avoiding those that cause it pain. Meditation is an effortless awareness of the totality of life, of each individual aspect; it represents concentration on the present you are living. By performing this exercise consistently and attentively at least once a day, we are able to strengthen our sense of balance, being able to counter emotional upsets and positive/negative feelings in our lives, and to approach our daily activities and relationships with others in a relaxed and balanced way.
Mindful eating
Another area in which the practice of Mindfulness is practiced concerns, as already anticipated, the field of nutrition. This is one of the areas in which the Mindfulness approach takes on fundamental importance for the mental and physical well-being of the individual. The Mindfulness approach applied to the field of nutrition involves eating more mindfully and somewhat more slowly than usual. As an experiment, to begin with, you can try eating at least one meal a week in absolute silence, focusing essentially on the act of pure and simple eating. Very important also would be to eat with the TV off and without paying attention to smartphones and other sources of distraction (radio, books…). These behaviors will help make you more sensitive to the way you eat and, more importantly, make you put your attention on what you actually choose to eat. Of course, you need to pay attention not only to what you decide to eat but also to the people who will take part in the meal with you, and to your surroundings.
With this in mind, it appears to be of great help to ask ourselves questions before consuming the meal, to try to understand what motivates us to eat at that precise moment. For example:
- Am I eating to nourish my body and keep it properly healthy?
- Am I eating to satisfy the desire for pleasurable sensations?
- Am I aware of where the food I am eating comes from?
- Is it a natural food or is it treated with preservatives and other substances novice to the body?
Meetings with Prof. Berrino: Cow’s Milk
What do we really know about this ancient food that has fed the world’s population for centuries? Is it still essential to have it in today’s diet? Dr. Berrino guides us through the knowledge of the possible positive and harmful effects on our bodies.
The diet for cancer prevention and treatment
It is now proven that too much sugar, meat and refined foods increase our risk of getting sick, while whole grains and vegetables protect us.
But what kind of diet can be recommended for a cancer patient? Guidance and guidelines on diet and lifestyles to be maintained, echoing those of the European Code Against Cancer and drawing on studies on the effects of diet on the prevention, progression and treatment of the disease.
What kind of diet can one recommend, then, to a cancer patient based on what is known today-keeping slim and proven that those who are overweight get sicker and if sick have a harder time getting well.
Particularly dangerous seems to be the fat deposited inside the abdomen so it is important to keep slim but especially that the waist circumference is not more than 80 88 cm in women 94-102 in men a calorie restriction without maintenance of about 25 -30% fewer calories chest to an ad libitum diet instead prolongs life and reduces the incidence of cancer in animals in the case of cancer patients however caloric restriction is not enough if it is not also associated with protein restriction of course it remains that you are sick and undernourished you need to feed it which is sometimes difficult because advanced cancers often cause anorexia the weight loss of cancer patients would depend mainly on the production of inflammatory substances by the tumor as we will see later with diet however much can be done to reduce this state do exercise another knowledge repeatedly confirmed and whoever does exercise gets sick less and that sick people who exercise have a better prognosis it is therefore recommended to take a brisk walk every day for at least 30 consecutive minutes or and an hour of gym or sports at least every other day keep your blood sugar low high blood sugar is also a risk factor to keep it low you need to avoid refined flours 00 and 0 white bread Commercial sweets potatoes white rice corn flakes white rice cornflakes very sugary fruits avoid sugar glucose and fructose syrup and get used progressively agustin less sweets also avoid foods high in saturated fats red meats cold cuts and cheeses instead eat whole grains regularly better if combined with gummy vegetables seeds and oil fruits keep insulin low in addition to foods with low glycemic index it is best to avoid milk even skim milk that raises insulin keep low Growth factors avoid milk and avoid Foods very rich in protein especially animal but also plant proteins such as legumes although present in every meal should be consumed in moderation there are no contraindications even for moderate consumption of traditional of soy miso tofu tempeh keep inflammation levels down promote inflammation all animal foods except fish preferably small fish because large fish are much more polluted on the other hand have anti-inflammatory action whole grains and many other plant foods especially those containing omega 3 fats flaxseed soybeans wild herbs onions and apples and in general to vegetables with the exception of solanaceae tomatoes eggplants and peppers that are best avoided it is prudent also to avoid Foods rich in polyamines substances essential to cell proliferation. Tomatoes eggplants peppers citrus fruits bananas and kiwis and tropical fruits there are increasing indications instead that short periods of fasting i.e., a couple of days a week can increase the effectiveness of cancer therapies in summary therefore we can say that the recommendations coincide with those for cancer prevention of the World Cancer Research Fund that today have been taken up by the European Code Against Cancer although with the clarifications seen regarding some fruits and vegetables to be avoided.
Bowel regularity: here are the most suitable foods
The well-being of our bodies is linked in large part to that of our intestines. In fact, some of the most common and troublesome conditions for men stem precisely from problems related to the intestinal tract or malfunctioning of the intestinal tract. To avoid incurring these disorders and thus being forced to use remedies of a pharmaceutical nature, it may be useful to know what are the main foods that help improve intestinal regularity and the proper functioning of our bodies by including them in one’s daily dietary program.
Recommended foods
Among the foods that contribute to proper gut function prefigure: whole grains, legumes, dried/fresh fruits and vegetables. In fact, all these foods are rich in fiber, and it is this fiber that contributes to the proper functioning of the intestinal flora. In addition to proper nutrition, drinking plenty of water, about two liters a day, is also essential for the care of our intestines, to help cleanse the intestinal tract and eliminate toxins and debris left inside the colon.
Fruits and vegetables
A varied diet, with a high presence of seasonal vegetables, is a panacea for intestinal well-being. There is a distinction to be made, however, between vegetables that promote increased evacuation such as zucchini, cabbage, spinach, and lettuce, and, on the other hand, fresh vegetable soups and purees that have, on the contrary, an astringent effect. As for fruit, on the other hand, it is a very important source of useful vitamins for obtaining energy and strengthening the immune system, as well as being rich in antioxidant properties and fiber. There is caution, however, to be taken in limiting the consumption of that type of fruit that contains a high amount of sugar.
Cereals and legumes
Another important category of foods that are essential for the health of our digestive system is definitely grains and legumes. In fact, all of these foods help to increase peristaltic movement in the intestines, forming a kind of protection in the digestive system in order to prevent it from becoming sick over time. Cereals and brown rice are particularly suitable, as they possess a higher fiber content.
Other foods that are important for our bodies are
yogurt, essential for the care of intestinal bacterial flora, and Extra Virgin Olive Oil, which promotes transit within the intestines. In conclusion, to maintain a proper balance of our digestive system, it is necessary to follow a varied diet that contains all the main elements that contribute to the well-being of our body, all accompanied by careful and constant hydration.
Coffee and Caffeine
What do we know about coffee, one of the most prevalent beverages in our daily diet? Do we know the positive effects on our body? And to what extent can we drink it without taking unnecessary risks to our bodies?
Coffee is not harmful when consumed at levels of 200 mg at a time or 400 mg per day. One espresso contains 50 to 120 mg of caffeine, indeed science has shown positive effects on the nervous system. In fact, caffeine increases alertness and general well-being, facilitates concentration and improves mood.
Moderate coffee consumption has been associated with prevention of cognitive decline and reduced risk of developing stroke, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease.
Also important are metabolic activities of coffee, which contains polyphenols with high antioxidant power. These improve postprandial hyperglycemia and vascular endothelial function, an extremely useful action in preventing cardiometabolic diseases, such as diabetes and hypertension. Regular consumption of coffee helps to maintain body weight, after a slimming diet, identical positive activity would perform it in the slimming phase by keeping muscle metabolism at optimal levels. It should be known that caffeine can disrupt sleep, but only in sensitive individuals and if consumed beyond recommended limits and before sleep. Caffeine does not appear to cause addiction, although a minority of people experience withdrawal symptoms.
In conclusion, coffee can be part of a healthy and balanced diet, even in the elderly unless specifically contraindicated and as long as it is drunk only in the early part of the day and not after 2 p.m., so as not to disturb sleep.
Starting a physical activity: some tips
The reasons that often prompt us to start a physical activity are many and varied. One of the main motivations is definitely aesthetic (one plays sports to improve one’s physical appearance and look good to oneself and others). Then there are those who do sports for passion, because they consider it an activity that is not only good for the body, but also essential for the well-being of one’s mind (for example, cycling, swimming or even martial arts). Then again, there are those people who like to play sports to be in contact with others and be a team player (the classic example is soccer, but also basketball volleyball etc…).
Not all types of sports, however, are suitable for every individual. In fact, it is necessary, even before you try your hand at any physical activity, to evaluate your choices well, to have a clear idea of what kind of path you want to take, what goals you want to achieve, but above all, it is essential to know your body and your physical possibilities.
Those who have health problems in fact, or simply want to exercise to stimulate their metabolism more, can be satisfied with 30 minutes of activity a day. On the other hand, those whose goal is to achieve results from the standpoint of athletic and physical performance should devote at least 60 minutes to the training phase, and if possible every day.
The various types of sports
Aerobic sports such as cycling, running, swimming and rowing are great for those with the goal of losing weight. In particular, swimming and cycling are the most suitable sports for those who are particularly overweight, unlike running, which, despite the fact that it burns many more calories in much less time and is an almost zero-cost sport from an economic point of view, can be more traumatic for an individual with many excess pounds, as well as demotivating. As for anaerobic sports, on the other hand, such as tennis, basketball, soccer, volleyball, or any other team sport, they are less suitable for slimming because they do not allow high consumption of body fat. In spite of this, they turn out to be among the most fun and played sports as they foster social relationships and help to establish a strong bond with other people, especially if they are part of one’s team.
Whatever the motivation, whatever the sport or in general the physical activity you decide to practice, it is important to do it consistently, carefully and above all with passion. By following these guidelines, with a little patience, and combining physical activity with a healthy and proper diet, results will not be long in coming, and with them your personal satisfaction and mental and physical well-being.
Vitamin D: from sunshine to prevention
Children and boredom
Our lives (and those of our children) seem to respond to a kind of categorical imperative“no boredom.” We are constantly seeking new stimulation and our lifestyle has outlawed downtime and empty space. This dimension, already problematic for adults, is infinitely more so for children because it runs the risk of preventing the development of a number of structuring functions of psychic organization.
The positive side of boredom
When a child is bored, that is, when he or she experiences a moment of absence of stimulation from outside (whether it is someone to play with or a new game or whatsApp contact), he or she definitely feels lost and without an anchor (in fact, he or she usually becomes whiny and….just boring). But it is only from this condition of emptiness that he can draw on himself, his resources and in particular his imagination. This means not only activating one’s creativity, that is, the ability to create parallel universes within which to move and build paths of play and imagination, but it also means acquiring self-regulation skills (understood as self-consolation, tolerance and overcoming frustration).
I think they are part of every adult’s memory of those long summer afternoons in which, not knowing what to do, one would wearily dawdle until one’s attention was caught by some hitherto insignificant object or by the line of ants proceeding up the wall or by the figures in a publication. A spark had been ignited made of imagination, observation, curiosity. Experiencing that you can do it, that you can create for yourself a hook of interest and attention, means freeing yourself from a condition of dependence on a reality that seems to have to constantly offer new and greater stimuli (more and more games, more and more lights, more and more sounds, etc.).
Certainly it is the responsibility of parents and educators in general stimulate children, provide them with opportunities for experiences, learning and fun, but this not only cannot be done seamlessly but should also be limited to drawing the lines, leaving children to define and invent the content . Giving an idea, an impetus, a rule but not organizing time, play or relationship. They do not need to be busy all the time.
One would be inclined to say “Ode to Boredom.” Let them be bored, dangle and be a bit boring, observe them, e will find that they have unhoped-for resources. We will give them an ability that will be theirs forever.
The harms of alcohol
Worldwide, 1 in 3 people consume alcoholic beverages regularly (equivalent to 2.4 billion people, of whom 1.5 billion are men and 900 million are women): this is the result of a recent study, published in August in the scientific journal Lancet, which reviewed 694 studies on alcohol consumption worldwide and assessed the health risks associated with drinking alcoholic beverages in 195 nations. The study shows that consuming 10 grams of alcohol per day increases the risk of developing health problems by 0.5 percent and by 7 percent in those who consume twice that amount.
Alcohol use is a risk factor for numerous diseases and can impair brain maturation, especially in those areas involved in impulse control. In adolescence the maturation of the brain is not complete; there are areas such as the limbic area that mature after the age of 20. That is why in some countries, for example in the United States, there is a ban on alcohol use under the age of 21. Alcohol’s damage not only affects the brain, but many other organs: in fact, it is a risk factor for many cancers (liver, oral cavity, throat). The organ most affected is the liver, but the cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems are also affected by the toxic effect of alcohol. In addition, alcohol abusers are more prone to hypertension, stroke, and heart disease. Alcoholism causes malnutrition, but also impaired sexuality, decreased libido, infertility and impotence, and obesity. Bottom line:
- Alcohol abuse is addictive and comparable to drugs;
- Alcohol is carcinogenic and creates organ damage such as cirrhosis of the liver;
- Weakens the immune system and gives increased susceptibility to infection;
- It reduces the absorption of vitamins A, D and E;
- It causes malnutrition and alterations in body weight;
- It modifies hormone production, has a negative effect on fertility, and is not conducive to sexual performance;
- In pregnancy it can create problems for the fetus and the unborn child;
- May interfere with ongoing drug therapies;
- It alters cognitive function and is a risk factor for cognitive impairment;
- It alters attention, reduces reaction time and causes drowsiness, which is why alcohol should not be taken if you are driving.
Cannabis as medicine for neurological and psychiatric diseases
Commonly referred to as a “mild drug” because of its sweetened effects on the central nervous system; in fact, it is a real drug that has long been used not only for “recreational” purposes, but also for medical and religious purposes. We are talking about cannabis (or hemp), an angiosperm plant native to Afghanistan that is widely cultivated in Asia, Europe and Africa. Cannabis comes in various forms, including “hash,” the resinous part, and “marijuana,” consisting of the dried and shredded leaves and stems of the plant.
The use of cannabis as medicine dates back at least 2,500 years and was described in the first treatise on pharmacology written in China. In Europe, the widespread use of cannabis is mainly related to its use in textiles, but in the 17th and 18th centuries it was also used in medicine as an analgesic and sedative. Numerous famous writers and poets made use of it, including Verlaine, Rimbaud, Mallarmé, Dumas, Baudelaire, Balzac, Hugo, and Shakespeare. In Italy, it was Raffaele Valieri, a physician at the Incurabili Hospital in Naples, who introduced the properties of cannabis in the medical field. Since 2015, the cultivation of cannabis plants for use in the preparation of medicines has been legalized in our country. However, cannabis is still not considered a true therapy, but a supportive treatment to standard ones when the latter have not produced the desired effects or have resulted in non-tolerable side effects.
Use in medicine
Cannabis is currently the most widely used drug in the world due to both the sharp increase in volutary use and medical use, especially for the treatment of neurological and psychiatric diseases, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, epilepsy, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia.
Let’s take Parkinson’s disease. Very recent scientific studies (2014 and 2015) of patients treated with cannabis extracts have shown significant improvements in the main symptoms of the disease, such as tremor, rigidity and slowness of movement, but also in non-motor disorders, such as alterations in sleep-wake rhythm and pain.
Regarding its use in pain, cannabis is capable of improving mood and quality of life in HIV-infected individuals. In addition, in cancer patients, cannabis can combat chemotherapy-induced anorexia, nausea, and vomiting, as well as chronic pain,insomnia, and mood depression.
The negative aspects
Having ascertained its medicinal qualities, cannabis is still a drug and, as such, it causes negative, serious and lasting effects especially in young people, particularly those who began taking cannabis in their teens.
Addiction, respiratory disorders, memory deficits, reduced attention and concentration, behavioral disorders, and accentuation of depressive, anxious, or psychotic disorders are among the most frequent adverse events.
Despite the difficulties in the therapeutic use of cannabis, numerous studies on its medical use continue to be conducted around the world. However, often the conclusions of such research do not seem appropriate or properly applicable in the public health field. Indeed, studies conducted often lack data to support a favorable risk-benefit ratio. Hence the difficulties in drafting appropriate regulations or procedures for the use of cannabis in the medical field.
By Pietro Biagio Carrieri, Andrea Di Cesare, Massimo Persia
Strength, vitality — vitamins?
Exercise, proper diet, and the right vitamins can really help you have a healthier and longer-lasting life. But how to take the vitamins so as to reap the greatest benefits? Here is a detailed guide for maintaining your vitality.
Beware of simple sugars, especially during the holidays
It is estimated that during the Christmas season, food consumption (as well as body weight) in general increases by about 30 percent. But for many Italians, not much changes when it comes to the consumption of simple sugars, which consistently remains in excess of the recommendations of the World Health Organization and Italian and Population Reference Intake Levels of Nutrients and Energy (LARNs): the energy intake of simple sugars should not exceed 10 percent and 15 percent of total daily calories, respectively.
In this regard, data from a survey on eating habits, conducted among 5400 adults (58% female, 42% male) by the Grana Padano Nutritional Observatory: daily energy intake derived from simple sugars (between those naturally present in food and those added in preparations and beverages) corresponds to about 20 percent, registering a slight increase from surveys in previous years.
Preference for sweets does not differ between males and females: 57 percent of respondents consume snacks, brioche, and croissants (10 percent of the sample consumes them almost every day). Spoon desserts are among the most popular: 77 percent of respondents consume tiramisu, puddings, as well as cakes filled with cream, cream and chocolate. Ice cream is the favorite dessert (only 13% of the sample does not consume it!), while chocolate is by frequency the most consumed dessert: 7% of respondents every day, 16% 2 to 4 times a week; 15%, on the other hand, consume it only once a week. 22% of the sample surveyed never eat chocolate, half of the respondents never consume candy, and only 17% do not eat cookies.
“It’s important not to run out of blood sugar, but at the same time, it’s also important not to overdo it with quantities, ” says Dr. Michela Barichella of the Grana Padano Nutrition Observatory Scientific Committee and President of Brain and Malnutrition. particularly with simple sugars and especially those added in drinks and preparations. This recommendation is critical so that we do not get to the opposite situation, namely hyperglycemia, a condition that can decrease attention and memory capacity, as well as increase the risk of serious cardiovascular disease and diabetes.”
It is certainly not the occasional dessert or the teaspoon of sugar in coffee that needs to be avoided, but rather the excessive consumption of daily sugar protracted throughout the year, particularly added (free) sugars not only in industrial beverages and preparations, but also in everyday domestic gastronomy.
Anuria – Oliguria
Anuria is the failure of the kidney to produce urine. Oliguria, on the other hand, is the production of an insufficient amount of urine to maintain homeostasis.
Causes may be pre-renal with hypovolemia, heart failure, and shock; renal with acute glomerulonephritis, vasculitis, uratic nephropathy, acute tubular necrosis, acute interstitial nephritis from toxins or drugs; and postrenal with obstruction. It is necessary to proceed with a quick history, assessment of the circulatory status, bladder characterization, and undergo a renal ultrasound.
In the case of pre-renal failure, circulation must be restored with hydration, transfusion, or shock therapy. In the case of organic insufficiency, it is necessary to put the child on general measures with weight control and fluid and diuresis control.
Drug therapy involves fluid intake and correction of hyperpotassemia. It is important to avoid drugs or substances that may increase kidney damage. In terms of nutrition, calories and protein should be provided according to age and weight requirements.
Source: Medical Emergencies in Pediatrics by Mediserve edited by Maurizio Vanelli
Body weight: the dangers of fluctuations
That repeated drastic diets are bad for your health, and not just your physical health, is a well-known concept and widely reiterated by doctors and nutritionists, although not always given due consideration by message recipients. That is, by people with a few or many extra pounds who would like to improve their fitness and appearance.
The reason is quickly stated: if the overweight is detrimental because it increases the cardiovascular risk, the general inflammatory state, and the risk of developing hormonal disorders and some cancers (such as colorectal and breast cancer in women), slimming down too quickly imposes considerable metabolic stress on the body, which does not make things much better.
If, then, after the weight loss initial failure to maintain the result (as is the case in most cases, if you are not followed by a nutritionist/dietologist), the effect is even worse because you will be back in the initial risk category on the clinical level and you will accumulate more adipose tissue than muscle mass (partly lost along with the fat mass during slimming).
Past studies had already warned that the yo-yo effect is detrimental to overweight or obese people with cardiovascular disease, who can benefit greatly from a weight loss of at least 5-10% of their initial weight, but only if maintained over the long term.
New data from a Korean study involving 3,678 men and women who underwent body weight monitoring and medical evaluations every 2 years for a period of 16 years now report that, even in those without specific diseases, repeated weight fluctuations are to be avoided because they are associated with a significant increase in mortality (as much as more than 50 percent compared with those who maintain a fairly stable weight).
The only category of people who manage to derive some benefit from this metabolically incorrect form of slimming is obese individuals who are free of cardiovascular disease. Indeed, in this subgroup, weight losses, although transient, appear to result in a lower overall risk of developing diabetes with age (reduced by 24 percent on average). On the other hand, it should be pointed out that the benefit would be significantly greater if the weight was lost once and for all and no longer regained.
But beware: the protective effect of weight yo-yoing toward diabetes applies only to those who are obese to begin with. For people who are initially normal weight or with only a few extra pounds, each somewhat pronounced fluctuation in the scale increases the likelihood of losing blood glucose control in later years, rather than decreasing it.
By contrast, in no case does slimming-fat-reduced-fat-reduction, etc., more or less often seem to have, in itself, a significant impact on the risk of going on to acute cardiovascular events such as heart attack and stroke, unless one already suffers from predisposing diseases in this regard.
In view of the hearty meals of the Christmas season, it is best to keep these figures in mind and try not to accumulate too many kilograms, which would then be hard to lose at the beginning of the New Year.
Tae Jung Oh et al. Body-weight fluctuation and incident diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, and mortality: a 16-year prospective cohort study. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 2018; doi1:0.1210/jc.2018-01239
Infertility in the life of a couple
When we talk about infertility, it is impossible not to talk about couples as well. This is mainly because infertility is both a symptom and a problem of the couple itself. Before continuing by examining precisely what the effects of infertility are on both men and women, it is appropriate to give a more precise definition of what it means to be infertile.
Infertility is the absolute lack of reproductive capacity in both women and men. An infertile couple is defined as one that fails to conceive after 12 months of unprotected intercourse occurring during ovulatory phase. Infertility, on the other hand, is defined as a defect in the nesting or development of the embryo, whereby the woman is unable to carry a pregnancy to term.
In addition to this one just described, another type of infertility can also occur, namely subinfertility. It occurs when both partners in a couple have minor impairments of their fertility (e.g., a lower-than-normal sperm count or an occluded fallopian tube), which do not render them individually infertile, but which added together prevent conception.
Fertility has an acme , both in men and women, around the age of 25. After age 32 it declines: gradually for men, much faster for women.
For the woman
Infertility for the woman can pose a threat to her identity, to her being a woman, daughter, lover and wife. It may involve the feeling of not “being done right.” It can also connect to the questions (“how am I made inside…will I have all the things right ?”) that the adolescent female asks about her sexual organs, internal and hidden. In a research conducted on a group of infertile women, it was found that their body pattern appeared to be characterized by: regressive elements, confusion and insecurity regarding their sexual identity, accentuation and omission of body parts, and the presence of aggressive impulses and uncontrolled emotionality.
For the man
Historically, that is, until the 20th century, infertility was considered a woman’s sole responsibility. The only form of infertility that was attributed to man was impotence. Over the centuries male fertility and sexual potency have come to be confused and overlap.
Faced with the phenomenon of infertility, couples have various reactions: some from the very beginning go to the doctor to request an intervention against a dreaded infertility but of which they have no concrete evidence at the moment; others never go through the whole diagnostic process to the end, they go as if on an alternating current; others, having done little or nothing on the level of diagnostic investigations, immediately begin an adoptive path; finally, there are some who go from one doctor to another.
Mindfulness and nutrition: mindful eating
The practice of Mindfulness, which is becoming increasingly popular among individuals who want to achieve a state of both physical and mental well-being for their bodies, represents a particular approach to life, whereby the main component of our existence is mindfulness. Being aware and conscious of every single action we experience in our daily lives, paying attention to the events that happen to us, the environment around us and even every single part of our body. This approach must affect the various areas of our living, whether when we are at work, when we study, when we play sports, but also during a simple walk or, more importantly, when we eat.
For what reason do we eat ?
It is well known that some of the diseases that affect our bodies are due in large part to our eating habits. In fact, many diseases arise from poor, if not bad, nutrition, which has a very negative effect on the health status of our bodies. According to the Mindfulness approach you should pay more attention to the quantity but especially the quality of the food you ingest. It can be helpful to ask questions before approaching each meal such as:
- Am I eating to nourish my body and keep it properly healthy?
- Am I eating to satisfy the desire for pleasurable sensations?
- Am I aware of where the food I am eating comes from?
- Is it a natural food or is it treated with preservatives and other substances novice to the body?
These are just some of the questions that it would be appropriate to ask oneself before even starting the meal, but the list of questions could continue for a long time and also move to the psychological level (do I eat because I am really hungry or out of anger/anxiety/frustration ?).
Mindful eating
The Mindfulness approach applied to the field of nutrition involves eating more mindfully and somewhat more slowly than usual. As an experiment, to begin with, you can try eating at least one meal a week in absolute silence, focusing essentially on the act of pure and simple eating. Very important also would be to eat with the TV off and without paying attention to smartphones and other sources of distraction (radio, books…). These behaviors will help make you more sensitive to the way you eat and, more importantly, make you put your attention on what you actually choose to eat. Of course, you need to pay attention not only to what you decide to eat but also to the people who will take part in the meal with you, and to your surroundings.
Goals of physical training in cardiac rehabilitation
Cardiac rehabilitation according to a currently accepted definition in Europe, the United States and Canada is “the sum total of interventions carried out on the patient to ensure the best physical and psycho-social condition.” Such improvement enables patients with chronic heart disease to resume their role in society. The main goal is to normalize the elements of disability, established subsequent to acute cardiac events. Usually, ideal candidates for physical training are patients in the low or intermediate risk range. Those who undergo the training can achieve the following benefits:
- Reduced mortality.
- Improved exercise tolerance.
- Better overall feeling of well-being.
- A more frequent return to work.
For these reasons, rehabilitation through physical training is an essential component of the coronary artery disease patient’s care program. In the United States, only 11% of those affected by a coronary event underwent rehabilitation, but in recent years the percentage has risen to nearly 40%. As for Italy, the exact figures are not known. The benefits brought by cardiac rehabilitation on cardiovascular mortality rates may be less significant than documented by major trials, performed a few years ago. Therefore, the importance of exercise can be traced back to its effect on mortality, but also to its role as a catalytic event, promoting other aspects of rehabilitation.
A physical rehabilitative training program includes the following stages:
- Medical evaluation
- Risk stratification
- Exercise prescription
- Patient education
- Information aimed at patients about their disease
Physical training also sets short-term and long-term goals.
Source: Mediserve Cardiovascular Rehabilitation
Postbiotics: an important reinforcement for our body’s defenses
Many of the foods we see on our table, especially those that are part of a healthy and balanced eating plan, can greatly benefit the health of our bodies and consequently the well-being of our bodies. In fact, some foods contain substances that are essential for our growth and have many beneficial activities: there are foods that are good for blood circulation, others that are good for the heart, good for the skin, and still others that are good for regulating intestinal activity and the immune system.
And it is in the latter two areas that postbiotics fit. Before seeing what it is specifically about, it is also worth mentioning the probiotics, such as Lactobacillus, good bacteria contained in foods such as yogurt that, once they reach the gut, exert a balancing action on the microflora; and the prebiotics, fibers that are found in vegetables or legumes and are not assimilable but promote the growth of useful bacteria already present in the gut, that is, they allow probiotics to proliferate. Finally, postbiotics are substances produced by the fermentation of probiotics.
The properties of postbiotics
Postbiotics are derived from the fermentation of milk with Lactobacillus Paracasei CBA L74, and are able to perform anti-inflammatory activity for our body and strengthen our immune defenses against the dangers of infectious agents and allergenic agents. There are a number of foods on the market today that contain postbiotic substances, but these are products intended more for the feeding of infants and children.
In the near future, however, we can foresee the arrival of new products intended for the adult population as well, which, in addition to strengthening the body’s defenses, will also intervene on allergies and immune system imbalances, with the important advantage of leading to a decrease in drug intake.
Fermented milk
A concrete example is fermented milk (which contains Lactobacillus L74 ), a popular food among mothers who choose it for the proper growth of their babies. In fact, according to a study done on 400 children from 12 to 48 months of age, fermented milk has been found to be a valuable food for stimulating the immune system by reducing by more than the 60% the number of respiratory and gastrointestinal infections in children who make a regular and controlled intake. The normal fermentation process that also affects other foods of the same kind, such as yogurt, was used to produce fermented milk. In fact, the milk was fermented with the human-derived probiotic (CBA L74) thus releasing the beneficial substances, namely postbiotics.
Probiotics beneficial, but beware of some possible side effects
Probiotics are healthy strains of live bacteria and yeast; taking them can provide a number of benefits, but they can also cause side effects. An article in Medscape clarifies how probiotics promote health and how they can be safely taken.
As is well known, there are billions of bacteria and other microorganisms living in the gut-this community makes up the gut microbiota, and more and more research is showing its importance for digestion, gut health, and the whole body, for example, through supporting the immune system. Many bacteria provide benefits to their human hosts, but others cause harm: altering the natural balance of bacteria in the gut can lead to some problems. Products such as certain yogurts, supplements, and fermented foods, including kefir, sauerkraut, and tempeh, contain probiotics, and numerous research suggests that their consumption can lead to an increase in healthier bacteria, which help restore the balance of the gut microbiota.
There is evidence on the positive effects produced by probiotics for various conditions: eczema, obesity, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, nonalcoholic liver steatosis, and immune system function.
However, some side effects may occur. Among these, experts list: digestive symptoms, skin problems, allergy risks, increased risks of infections, and bacterial overproliferation syndrome (Sibo).
Finally, albeit rarely, beneficial probiotics may contain antibiotic-resistant genes and could transmit these genes to other strains of bacteria, including dangerous and infection-causing ones. Manufacturers routinely test for antibiotic resistance in the probiotic strains placed on the market; therefore, the advice is to always obtain probiotics from reputable manufacturers.
More generally, it is recommended to read the labeling carefully and not to exceed the indicated dosage, although very little evidence suggests the possibility of probiotic overdose. However, if a probiotic is suspected of causing symptoms or side effects, its dosage should be reduced or its intake discontinued.
Why psoriasis increases the risk of diabetes
Previous research had already shown that having psoriasis increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. A new study from King’s College London has sought to understand why this occurs; lead author Elizabeth Evans presented the findings at the recent Society for Endocrinology annual conference held in Glasgow.
British researchers studied human and animal skin samples, looking for any molecular alterations associated with psoriasis that might induce diabetes. In doing so, they identified, in the skin of mice with psoriasis, an inflammatory state and insulin resistance, a known risk factor for diabetes. This resistance means that cells do not respond properly to the hormone insulin and do not remove glucose from the bloodstream. Specifically, fat tissue was seen to absorb glucose less readily, and the researchers measured a reduction in levels of glucose transporter type 4, a receptor needed to move glucose into fat cells. In addition, beta cells in mice with psoriasis produced more insulin than those in unaffected mice: the trial authors believe this overproduction is an attempt to compensate for insulin resistance.
In short, the inflammation associated with psoriasis caused insulin resistance and increased insulin production.
But this is just the beginning of the research: now the team wants to identify which factors released by psoriatic skin may play a role in the development of diabetes. The survey results are expected to improve our understanding of this common skin disease and may also help us better understand diabetes.
Elizabeth Evans said, “If we can discover skin-derived factors that directly influence blood glucose control, we can pave the way for the identification of potential therapeutic targets for the treatment of diabetes or insulin resistance.”
Evans E. et al. Skin-endocrine regulation of whole-body metabolism. Endocrine Abstracts (2018) 59 P102.
Regaining hearing may be possible by reproducing mechanisms found in birds
Humans are unable to reverse the effects of hearing loss, but a biological process identified in other animal species may offer an unexpected way to address this widespread problem.
Advancing age or excessive exposure to loud noises can damage the cochlea, a component of the inner ear, causing permanent hearing loss. According to the World Health Organization, a reduction, more or less severe, in hearing affects more than 400 million people worldwide today. Traditional treatment involves the use of hearing aids, the effectiveness of which is highly dependent on the individual.
But scientists have long known that animals such as fish and birds are able to keep their hearing intact by regenerating sensory cells in the cochlea-in fact, mammals are the only vertebrates that are unable to do so.
Back in 2012, Patricia White of the University of Rochester identified a group of receptors responsible for the regeneration process that can activate supporting cells in the auditory system of birds: they called them epidermal growth factor, or Egf. These supporting cells then activate the production of new sensory hair cells.
Now, in a new study that has been published in the European Journal of Neuroscience, Dr. White explains that she has begun a series of experiments to recreate this process in mammals. “The process of hearing repair ,” said the researcher. – is a complex problem and requires a series of cellular events. Sensory cilia cells in the ear need to be regenerated, and these cells need to function properly and connect with the corresponding network of neurons. Our research has identified a signaling pathway that can be activated by different methods and could represent a new approach to cochlear regeneration and, ultimately, hearing restoration.”
Narrative medicine (preview)
Nowadays very often physicians identify patients no longer by their actual name, but by the room number in which they reside and perhaps the condition from which they suffer. It is a kind of commodification of the patient, who is seen almost as an object to be “repaired,” emptied of its human component. And it is precisely in response to this unfortunate habit that the concept of Narrative Medicine is gaining momentum. It is a new way of understanding the relationship between patient and doctor, where the latter tries to put himself in the patient’s shoes, listening to him carefully, letting him tell his worries, his worries and his fears about his health condition but not only.
Keep following our portal for an in-depth discussion of the subject matter by Prof. Carrieri.