
Vitiligo is a loss of melanocytes that causes certain areas of the skin to lighten. Areas of lightened skin are found on various parts of the body. In general, doctors

A urinary tract infection

Fatigue can also result from an urinary infection, which can also cause continuous urges and pain. Sometimes other symptoms are absent, while exhaustion remains the only symptom. Quick treatment of urinary

Freezing: how to treat it?

Freezing of the skin occurs only when temperatures are below 0 degrees. In this case, the skin is cold and white or bluish in color. The victim has no sensitivity

The pathologies of the hip

Hip disorders are disorders that affect the hip joint, which looks like a kind of ball inserted into a structure that allows the thigh to be able to move in multiple directions and helps the hips to support the weight of the body.

Infertility in the life of a couple

When we talk about infertility, it is impossible not to talk about couples as well. This is mainly because infertility is both a symptom and a problem of the couple


Constipation (i.e., constipation) is an alteration of the alvus characterized by frequent, difficult and apparently incomplete emission of stools of increased consistency.

Diet in chronic kidney disease

The purpose of the diet is to improve kidney function, preventing it from reaching a condition of severe "Insufficiency," while also preventing elements such as "waste" from the diet, which are not adequately filtered by the kidney, from entering the bloodstream.

Anuria – Oliguria


Anuria is the failure of the kidney to produce urine. Oliguria, on the other hand, is the production of an insufficient amount of urine to maintain homeostasis.

Causes may be pre-renal with hypovolemia, heart failure, and shock; renal with acute glomerulonephritis, vasculitis, uratic nephropathy, acute tubular necrosis, acute interstitial nephritis from toxins or drugs; and postrenal with obstruction. It is necessary to proceed with a quick history, assessment of the circulatory status, bladder characterization, and undergo a renal ultrasound.

In the case of pre-renal failure, circulation must be restored with hydration, transfusion, or shock therapy. In the case of organic insufficiency, it is necessary to put the child on general measures with weight control and fluid and diuresis control.

Drug therapy involves fluid intake and correction of hyperpotassemia. It is important to avoid drugs or substances that may increase kidney damage. In terms of nutrition, calories and protein should be provided according to age and weight requirements.

Source: Medical Emergencies in Pediatrics by Mediserve edited by Maurizio Vanelli


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