End of life Manifest signed in Rome

Interfaith Manifest of Rights in End-of-Life Pathways signed in Rome. This is the work that is the result of a particular sensitivity to interreligious dialogue in health care, in the perspective

Waiting lists

I was told that they are not accepting reservations until the end of December and that they do not yet have availability for the January lists. Is it true that

Patient empowerment

“Nothing about me, without me” “Nothing I don’t know, not without me ” This is the phrase that best expresses the concept of patient empowerment in the terms of the

Narrative medicine (preview)

Nowadays very often physicians identify patients no longer by their actual name, but by the room number in which they reside and perhaps the condition from which they suffer. It

Children’s health at risk in cities without greenery


Children’s respiratory and ocular health is strongly influenced by where they live, says a study conducted in the city of Palermo by researchers from CNR, Ingv, Arpa Emilia-Romagna and DepLazio, entitled “Associations of greenness, greyness and air pollution exposure with children’s health: a cross-sectional study in Southern Italy” and published in the journal Environmental Health
The research analyzed the relationship between the presence of respiratory and allergic symptoms and the performance of three indicators: greenness (urban greenness), greyness (built-up areas) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2).

Source: Active Citizenship


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