But how good is olive oil made in Italy!

Do we really know everything about the value of made-in-Italy olive oil, not only in terms of its positive health benefits but also about the various realities that revolve around

Nutrition during pregnancy

During pregnancy , women must meet their own needs and those of their unborn child by following proper nutrition. The balanced diet will be able to ensure that the child

Inadequate nutrition?

A proper diet that is complete in terms of the nutritional components of foods, with the right levels of sugars, and based on non-harmful products will ensure proper daily energy.

Altered breakdown of body fluids

Our body is composed mainly of water: in adults we can find about 60% of it with higher values in men than in women. Fat is hydrophobic, so total body

Cellulite: an aesthetic problem or also a clinical problem?


Cellulite is an alteration of subcutaneous tissue whose morphology is changed by the presence of accumulating fat.
It affects a very high percentage of women (ca. 85%), starting from the youngest age groups to postmenopausal women.
Subcutaneous tissue may give rise to nodules, edema, or even fibrosis on the thighs, buttocks, and pelvis that constitute obvious blemishes, immediately representing this syndrome as an aesthetic problem.
It is also important to considerclinical aspects that may reveal hormonal imbalances, tissue dysfunction that can often come from genetic facts and familiarity with the condition.

The outward appearance of “orange peel” or dimpled skin is considered a major cosmetic problem, to which the medical response is more oriented toward a consistent variety of specific treatments, rather than in-depth investigations of pathophysiological issues.

Since no specific clinical protocols are available based on metabolic, gynecological, endocrine or genetic premises, the ‘approach to Cellulite at the level of shared opinions in the medical-scientific world, consists of a mix of treatments including acoustic waves, laser, Medical Radiofrequency, which are a good therapeutic solution to reduce the damage of cellulite, such as: lumps, lesions and pain, which can become more persistent, Cellulite being a multi-factor condition.

As much as various treatments are the only resources that can be used against Cellulite they are not considered to be clinically resolving, so the future scenario is to be considered totally open to innovative proposals from scholars and research centers, both in terms of therapeutic protocols and application technologies.

So, precisely because of the fact that Cellulite can be considered both as a clinical problem, due to the pathophysiological assumptions, and as an aesthetic problem, due to the dysmorphologies caused to the skin, any treatment will have to take into account all those aspects such as diet, physical activity, and stress limitation, which contribute to establishing an appropriate lifestyle against this pathology.


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