Hemorrhoids, in addition to being a recurrent and annoying disorder to keep under control, can sometimes also be the source of increasing itching, a mixed sensation of discomfort and burning coming from theanus.
Itching most often is caused by the hemorrhoids themselves, but it can also be due to irritating washing products, rubbing unsuitable toilet paper, mitotic infections, Candida or genital herpes infections, dermatitis, or in some cases insufficient intimate hygiene.
Scratching should be avoided, which, in addition to being non-resolving, can certainly aggravate itching.
Frequent washing with nonirritating cleansers, applications of a rectal cream that palliates itching, dietary diet with fiber, hydration and moderate exercise are recommended to find relief.
Sight: when it is transiently reduced
Nowadays, when eyes are used intensively and protractedly, often in inadequate lighting conditions, suffering from some visual defect or transient eye irritation and fatigue is quite common at any age.