Do statins make you irritable?

If you feel unusually angry it could be a side effect of anti-cholesterol medications, or a clinical sign of one of these conditions.

Itching: all causes (often unknown)

In addition to being a sure annoyance, itching can be a telltale sign of a more or less severe disease, a reaction of the body to particular substances or treatments,

Fight osteoporosis? With pleasure

Osteoporosis mainly affects women after the menopause, but men are not exempt either. To prevent it, one must start young by adopting an active lifestyle, following a dietary healthy and

Are you familiar with Alzheimer’s disease?

It is becoming increasingly common, especially because of of the aging population, and much feared, because its effects on intellectual function are burdensome, and the available therapies do not still

Some easy ways to take in more fiber

Fiber helps you feel full longer, prevents constipation and offers a host of other health benefits. But we don’t consume enough of it. Here’s how to put some fiber into

Smoke clouds the memory

Smoking, like other disease, may be responsible for damaging memory by regressing the arteries and vessels that preside over thebrain activity that underlies thinking and remembering, also raising the risk

Medication and itching


Itching caused by taking medication can be intense and persistent as long as the person continues to take the medication responsible for it.
It is advisable, if itching occurs after taking the medication, to alert the treating physician of the problem for a change in the treatment plan.

Medications that may give rise to itching include

  • antibiotics;
  • contraceptives;
  • sedative drugs;
  • Some transdermal patches.

Relief from the itching will come from stopping taking the medication, and possibly taking an antihistamine.


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    active 4 years, 3 months ago

    Gynecologists, Aesthetic Doctors, Basic Doctors

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