Cluster headaches

Cluster headache causes a sharp pain at the temple or around the eye, on one side of the head only, that lasts for a fairly short period of time (usually

The different ages of pregnancy

What is the best age to get pregnant, the best time? Women, who have become mothers, will surely have different views, and different experiences are important to understand a little more about the complex world of pregnancy and its complex aspects.

Migraine: what to do?

Migraine is a primary episodic headache. Symptoms typically last from 4 to 72 h and can be severe. The pain is often unilateral, throbbing, worsens during physical exertion, and is

Brain tumor: what to know

Brain tumors do not have typical symptoms because they induce disorders common to many other diseases of the nervous system. These symptoms depend on the size of the tumor and

Stress: 40% of Italian workers would like to change jobs


According to WorkForce Europe 2018 research conducted by the company Adp, 40 percent of workers are stressed and would like to change jobs or leave them, due to an inability to manage stress.

The research was conducted by interviewing more than 10,000 workers on the European continent, including 1,300 employees in Italy, and apparently the figure of workers suffering from stress is growing. Stress could become a major problem for thousands of workers and lead to negative consequences on the countries’ income and economy.

16% of workers, mostly those over 55, those who are beginning to feel the effects of their working years, think that companies do not care about their mental and physical well-being.

Stress and mental health issues are a major cause of employee absences and staff turnover – says Virginia Magliulo, general manager ADP Italy – which means that supporting employees is not only the right thing to do, but also a worthwhile investment“.

As for the younger age group, those between 25 and 34, they perceive this condition at only 11 percent, but 44.8 percent of them would like a less demanding job and would be willing to leave everything to turn their lives upside down. It’s unclear whether it’s a need for leisure or a desire to escape, but according to a recent Istat report, Italians are the ones who would devote the most time to leisure.

The overstressed workers are the 45-year-olds, and according to the research, women are the most affected, compared to men. In addition to work, in fact, they have to manage family commitments, children and home, and this would put a greater emotional burden on them.

Which regions have the most stressed workers?

The region with
most stressed workers
is Basilicata with 40 percent, followed by Aosta Valley (25 percent) and Piemonte (20.4 percent). On the other hand, as far as the most relaxed workers are concerned, in the lead are the people of Abruzzo (22.7 percent), followed by Molise and Trentino in a tie (20 percent). Financial services, retail, catering, leisure, and business, media and marketing were also among the hardest hit sectors.


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