An overview

Cognitive-emotional fitness addresses the need to foster the growth of cognitive and emotional processes, the basis of mature personality. If a functional lifestyle is not acquired, no exercise and no

Bacterial infections and international travel

Having to undertake a trip, whether for business or leisure, it is necessary to gather detailed information about the places one intends to visit, considering the map of countries where the risk of exposure to "traveler's diseases" is highest.

Pregnancy and the mother-child dyad

This course examines the individual's line of development beginning with pregnancy and how alterations in it can lead to mental pathology in childhood, adolescence, or adulthood.

Short-term and long-term memory

Memory is a function of the central nervous system that enables all animal beings to be able to make the best use of knowledge from experience: thus, old and new

A healthy diet against depression (preview)

A recent article published in the journal The Lancet, titled “Nutritional Psychiatric: where to next?” hypothesizes a direct relationship between nutrition and depression in the individual. In fact, according to

The risk of neuropsychiatric disorders in children born to mothers with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)


The research investigated whether and to what extent maternal polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS) and/or anovulatory infertility may lead to increased risks in offspring relative to psychiatricandneurodevelopmental disordersin childhood or adolescence.
Other factors such as maternal obesity, perinatal problems, cesarean delivery, gestational diabetes, and assisted reproductive techniques were also considered jointly and disjointly.

An association between maternal PCOS and autism spectrum disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder was already known.
Instead, this research set out to analyze the correlation with a broad spectrum of disorders: mood disorders, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, sleep disorders, intellectual disabilities, specific developmental disorders, ASD, ADHD and conduct disorders, tic disorders, and other behavioral and emotional disorders.

The results confirmed a significant increased risk in the presence of maternal PCOS, with no substantial difference between males and females.
This risk was found to be further amplified if maternal PCOS is combined with maternal obesity(BMI).
Perinatal problems, Cesarean delivery, and gestational diabetes could explain the effect of this association.

In contrast, there does not appear to be an increased risk in the association between maternal PCOS and IVF techniques.
Thus, the increased incidence of neuropsychiatric disorders in offspring born to women with fertility problems could be attributed to the causes of infertility, rather than the treatment.

These results are important and to be taken into account with reference to pregnancy counseling and monitoring of offspring development.


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