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Risk factors, complications, and prevention of ankylosing spondylitis


The risk factors of the ankylosing spondylitis (SA) can be various, starting from a fragility of spine structure or by the presence of persistent rheumatic diseases, while in general it can be said that the disease is mainly present in the male gender and in a fairly circumscribed age group between the adolescent and early adult years.

Genetic factors, if there are cases of AS in the family the HLA-B27 gene might also be part of one’s genetic makeup, which does not mean ipso facto, that one will necessarily develop the disease, but only that it might develop.


In ankylosing spondylitis and especially in the more severe forms, new bone formation can be created where a certain intervertebral gap may result in a fusion between vertebrae, as if it were a restorative expedient of the body to help the spine. The sections of vertebrae involved in the fusion amalgamation generate a condition of rigidity, inability to flex, and even immobility of the rib cage that may compromise the elasticity necessary for respiratory functions.

Other complications might include:

  • Reddened eyes and eye inflammation (uveitis), which is accompanied by uncertain or blurred vision, eye pain, increased sensitivity to light. Since uveitis is one of the most common complications in ankylosing spondylitis, it is advisable to consult the ophthalmologist for immediate therapeutic treatment.
  • Another complication is fractures that can result from the phenomenon of fractures due to bone compression, which is characteristic of SA.
    The phenomenon may begin with gradual bone thinning caused by the disease; it happens that the bones in some patients become very thin until they break due to the compression exerted on them. Vertebrae can also become brittle to the point of wear or crumbling, significantly affecting the spine and thus the person’s posture.
    The consequences of this process can in turn result in a compressive situation on the spinal cord by also damaging the nerves running through the spine.
  • Heart complications. In these cases, cardiovascular problems can arise from the aorta, which being the most important supply artery for the heart and vessels, when compromised in its shape and structure by severe inflammation, can expand and widen losing its regulatory functions.


Not much can be said in terms of prevention and useful actions to avoid the disease, since ankylosing spondylitis is mainly ascribable to a genetic factor, thus hereditary, although patients are often unaware of cases in their family.
Ankylosing spondylitis, as is the case with osteo-articular inflammatory disease, can lead to significant problems such as bone growth, bone fusion, osteoporosis shared problems, conditions that can greatly impair the quality of life of patients.
To prevent such conditions, it is necessary to constantly maintain the health and function of bones and joints by resorting to all possible treatments to strengthen them and prevent possible degeneration, such as making sure to take enough calcium and vitamin D, which are the fundamentals of bone health.
Calcium is essential for the composition of bones and their maintenance, and vitamin D is needed by the body to take the calcium it needs.
The diet must account for these important elements, taking calcium from foods such as dairy products and cheese and vitamin D from fish, dietary supplements and exposure to sunlight.
It is a good idea to periodically check the health of the bones, checking the mineral density with a specific examination and thus whether the intake of vitamin D and calcium are adequate.


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