What is “chemsex”?

The phenomenon of "chemsex" consists of drug abuse behaviors before or during sexual intercourse in order to facilitate, initiate, prolong, sustain, and intensify the encounter.

The family and the patient with bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder not only disrupts the patient's life but also makes the lives of those around him difficult and sometimes painful. People affected by this disorder often have difficulty acknowledging their mental state to themselves.

Reviving couples’ sexuality during the vacations

Sometimes one wonders why during vacation days most couples discover a more vibrant and exciting sex life than that usually experienced in their bedrooms during normal days, and the idea arises that one should replicate that atmosphere.

Thyroid slowed down?

The thyroid is a small gland that is responsible for regulating metabolism, that is, the rate at which food intake is converted into energy. If thyroid activity slows down too

Pregnancy and the mother-child dyad

This course examines the individual's line of development beginning with pregnancy and how alterations in it can lead to mental pathology in childhood, adolescence, or adulthood.

Panic attacks in adolescence

Panic attacks are one of the typical symptoms of adolescence. Anxiety disorders and panic attacks in fact represent one of the prevalent reasons why psychological counseling is sought in this age group.

Recurrences in the dislocated shoulder

Dislocation of the shoulder, as a traumatic event that causes a bone to protrude from its joint structure, is certainly reducible with a medical maneuver that restores the injured part, but from that point on, subsequent treatment must be followed that will then determine whether or not the shoulder heals and resumes its function.

Postpartum depression: possibly linked to an inflammatory state

Depressione maggiore

Birth is always a serene and joyful event. In some cases, however, it can generate in the new mother a series of worries, negative thoughts and feelings of inadequacy that, if not overcome within a few days, are amplified, spiral out of control and acquire the connotations of so-called postpartum depression. This is a complex condition that, based on estimates, affects at least 10 percent of women who give birth and also affects the well-being of the newborn and the entire family unit.Inflammatory status

Although numerous risk factors are known (e.g., mood disorders, particular personality traits, childhood traumatic events, course of pregnancy), biological markers have never been identified. A recent Swedish study, conducted on 169 women who were asked to complete a questionnaire (a screening tool for depression) at 17, 32 weeks and after delivery, sought to identify possible indices. The researchers focused specifically on inflammatory parameters, evaluating as many as 70 different ones. Of these, 5, in particular, were found to be markedly higher in the 62 women who showed depressive symptoms, and may be future candidates for a small blood test battery. The interpretation of these results is in line with what was already known, namely that the transition from pregnancy to postpartum is characterized by a complex adaptation pathway of the immune system. A pathway that in women predisposed to depression seems less flexible and smooth, to the point of theorizing a link between extent of depressive symptomatology and level of inflammation.

The topic requires further study and confirmation, but these data lead one to hope for at least two practical aspects, namely the availability of a tool that allows not only reliable recognition of depression, whose manifestations are often subtle and not easy to catch, but also an assessment of its potential severity.


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    Basic Doctors, Chiropractors, Posturologists

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