Nutrition during pregnancy

During pregnancy , women must meet their own needs and those of their unborn child by following proper nutrition. The balanced diet will be able to ensure that the child

Hepatitis A: what to know

Hepatitis A is a contagious liver infection caused by the hepatitis A virus, HAV, one of the viruses that cause inflammation and can impair liver function. The disease is contracted orally,

Eating disorders: dyspepsia

Digestion is an essential process for the life of humans and many other living organisms. Feeding is not just an instinct, but a pleasure, an indispensable ritual aimed at socialization

Narrative medicine (preview)

Nowadays very often physicians identify patients no longer by their actual name, but by the room number in which they reside and perhaps the condition from which they suffer. It

Risk factors, complications and prevention of salmonellosis

Normally, salmonella infection does not pose a life-threatening risk for healthy adults, but it can pose a life-threatening risk for those categories of patients such as infants or young children, elderly or transplant patients, pregnant women, or in patients undergoing surgery.

Nutrition in old age


In Italy, about 20 percent of the population is over 65 years old. To reconcile the increase in average life span with a good quality of life, it is necessary to follow proper nutrition. There are many factors that can worsen nutrition and consequently nutrition status: loneliness, monotonous diet, chewing problems, disability, chronic illness, depression, and inadequate food.

In both sexes, changes in body composition require an adjustment in food intake proportional to the reduction in energy requirements. It is increasingly common to detect inadequate calcium intake in people over the age of 70. In the healthy elderly, there are no indications that particular foods should be eliminated, but it is advisable to reduce the usual portions, adjusting them to the personal situation. If there is no motor activity, the daily calorie intake is around 1900-2250 calories for men in the 60-74 age group and around 1700- 1950 calories for men in the over 75 age group. The most recommended protein foods are milk, cheese, legumes, eggs, fish and meat. It is, in addition, recommended to consume complex carbohydrates such as those contributed by cereals, whole grain breads, and legumes. Alcohol consumption should be kept under control, also so as not to damage the liver.

Useful tips:

  • Avoid cold and pre-cooked dishes
  • Choosing oily fish
  • Choose white meat, alternating it with seasonal cheeses
  • Eating eggs
  • Consume semi-skimmed milk and yogurt lean every day
  • Reduce fat
  • Use olive oil in the right amount
  • Reduce simple sugars
  • Frequently consume legumes
  • Avoiding foods rich in salt
  • Drink before you’re thirsty
  • Consume fruits and vegetables every day

Finally, it is important to engage in physical activity with aerobic and resistance exercises, as it promotes physical and mental well-being.

Source: Handbook of Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition by Franco Contaldo et al.


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