
Anxiety has a thousand faces, and the ways in which it manifests itself can change over time, with varying pervasiveness and severity.

Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia

DEMENCY is an organically based disturbance of previously acquired intellectual functions: memory (short- and long-term), critical and judgment skills, language, and spatio-temporal orientation. Today, nearly 50 million people worldwide have

Sports disciplines and the risk of shoulder dislocation

The shoulder joint is a mechanism that can provide movement in multiple directions, but precisely because of the versatility of the structure in excursion and mobility, the shoulder also presents an aspect of fragility, being exposed to a continuous risk of injury or dislocation.

The psychological aspects of Peyronie’s disease

All this naturally reverberates on the couple's relationship, with the triggering of bad moods, misunderstandings, etc. Especially if due to shame or an unestablished relationship, there is no communication between the partners in this regard.

Syncope: causes and treatment

Syncope, or fainting, is defined as a sudden failure of blood flow to the brain that directly results in loss of consciousness. Syncope is often associated with tachycardia, neurological disorders,

Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)

Deep brain stimulation (DBS from the English acronym Deep Brain Stimulation) is a surgical treatment with the goal of reducing debilitating motor symptoms that characterize movement disorders such as Parkinson’s,

Sexual relations in the time of Covid 19

The guidelines adopted to reduce the risk of Covid 19 infection limit interpersonal contacts, also affecting sexual life. Although Covid-19 is not classifiable as a sexually transmitted disease. All this causes effects in people's sexual habits.

No more alibis for excluding books and culture from daily life


Traveling by train, instead of compulsively devoting ourselves only to our cell phones, we can also do other things, just as we did in the pre-telephone era. Even writing a novel (the first one!) and having it published by a major publishing house like Mondadori. Ludovico Paganelli teaches us., 40 years old to be turned in a few days, a job as a bank executive and many hobbies, as well as commuting for love between Milan and Santa Margherita Ligure for several years: an opportunity he made the most of to bring to life an intriguing detective story set in the Lombard capital of the present day, a volume just released in bookstores throughout Italy.

The plot of “The Seed of Violence”

For nearly thirteen years, Margot Blanchard, a young and charming police commissioner in Milan’s Piazza San Sepolcro, has successfully steered clear of the shadows that threaten to obscure a hard-won happiness, crowned by a dream of rising to the top of the Police Force and a happy marriage that gave her a beautiful baby girl, Isabelle. But even for her, the time to settle accounts with the past seems to have come inexorably. It’s Christmas Eve in the year of Expo and a man is stabbed to death in Piazza degli Affari. That night the streets around the historic center are deserted and there are no witnesses. She is called upon to investigate the case herself.

Assisted in the investigation by Inspector Colasanti and Officer Mantovani, Margot discovers that the victim is one Mario Pittaluga, a financial consultant at the agency of a well-known credit institution. The investigation begins and it soon becomes apparent that Pittaluga was supplementing his salary through unscrupulous speculative activity on the stock market.

Margot steers the investigation on the track of a financial motive, but it only takes her a few days to realize that the victim’s parallel activity is but the tip of an iceberg that hides far more dramatic truths. And it is precisely such truths that overwhelm Margot with devastating fury, forcing her to struggle against the demons of a now distant past from which, however, she can no longer escape. For the terrible facts that gravitate around the murder threaten to tear down in an instant the psychological and familial stability for which Margot has fought so hard, and to bring to light unmentionable secrets that have scarred her life.

Let’s start reading again!

What this young author’s experience should teach all of us, bar none, is that a train, bus or coach trip is not just about sending chats, checking the weather forecast, updating various social…. Instead, one can gaze at the view from the window, listen to good music on headphones, and most importantly engage in reading all those books that we say we never even have time to browse through. Why not start with this compelling debut thriller by Paganelli? It will certainly be a pleasant and intelligent way to reconnect with reading.


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Measles is a viral infection found everywhere in the world; it is a disease that affects only humans, there are no animal reservoirs, no asymptomatic carrier status. WHO estimated there

Panic attack

What is meant by a panic attack? It is understood as the sudden manifestation of a strong fear accompanied by an equally intense physical symptomatology despite the absence of an

Heart failure

Heart failure corresponds to a condition in which the heart is unable to receive and/or pump blood with sufficient force to the lungs and the rest of the body, due

Atrial fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation is the most common heart rhythm disorder in the Western world. In the United States it affects about three million people; in Italy, an estimated 600-700 thousand people


Esophagitis is an acute or chronic inflammation that can damage the tissues of the esophagus, the stretch of the alimentary canal that connects the pharynx to the stomach. In mild


Otitis are inflammatory processes that can affect different parts of the ear. The two most common forms are otitis externa, which involves the pinna and the first portion of the


The term acne is derived from the Greek word acmé or acné, meaning foam or summit, and denotes a skin disease that is widespread in the young population, characterized by


Varicocele is a venous malformation that results from loss of tone and elasticity of the veins that collect blood from the testis and carry it upward into the large venous


Headache, the so-called “headache,” is probably the most common form of pain. It is chronic or recurrent pain affecting various structures of the head, such as arterial and venous vessels,


The term coronary artery disease refers to chronic “distress” of the coronary arteries, the arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle, in most cases brought about by atherosclerotic pathology

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