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Risk factors and prevention of shoulder capsulitis


The ” frozen shoulder” syndrome usually affects women more likely than men, and especially in the age group of 40 to 70 years.
It can be called primary adhesive capsulitis if no obvious causes appear to cause it, and secondary when it appears as a result of an event or other pathology.
Morbidity also affects people with prior diseases such as diabetes, autoimmune diseases, thyroiditis, heart disease, stroke, or even people forced into post-surgical or post-traumatic immobilization.
However, sometimes even people who are young and without disease can go through adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder.

Age can be a risk factor, but so can other factors.

  • Gender, the female population is more exposed to frozen shoulder probably due to a hormonal swing and then as a consequence of menopause.
  • Diabetes, the incidence of “frozen shoulder” cases in people with diabetic disease is significantly higher with rates of 20%.
    The causes could be ascribed to the action of excess sugars that would block collagen proteins generating adhesiveness and joint stiffness, in one but sometimes both shoulders.

Other prior conditions may be a risk factor such as:

  • Depression, a condition that can promote immobility and a general stressful situation.
  • Thyroid Dysfunction, both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.
  • Cardiovascular Diseases, by factors of circulatory failure.
  • Breast Cancer, especially for the changed condition of lymphatic drainage.
  • Orthopedic immobilizations resulting from the application of casts.
  • A rheumatic inflammatory condition, which generates stiffness and immobility.

And other conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, post-surgical immobility conditions, or other conditions involving the shoulder joint, such as lung surgery.
Prevention may be more feasible in secondary adhesive capsulitis, usually caused by high pathology or a specific event, by using physiotherapy exercises that reduce immobility and stiffness of the shoulder to prevent worsening of symptoms.

In primary adhesive capsulitis, prevention relies on avoiding inflammatory conditions, mainly through diet and physical activity.


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