Family dysautonomy

Involuntary nervous system dysfunction, or familial dysautonomia, is a genetic disorder that goes to groups of nerve cells, which are not properly developed and do not survive.

Hepatitis B: causes and treatment

Hepatitis B is a highly contagious disease caused by the virus of the same name, also known as HBV, which is transmitted through blood or through bodily fluids (semen, vaginal

The diet for longevity

Certain foods can provide the bulk of the nutrients the body needs as it ages. Here are some of the best resources.

15 things that slow down metabolism

Metabolism can be defined as the way our body converts food into energy . If our body is slow in burning calories during rest or during sleep , we probably

Osteoporosis: what diet to follow?


Osteoporosis mainly affects women in the post-menopausal period and is characterized by fragility of bone tissue, with high risk of fractures.

Osteoporosis is the consequence of a physiological process represented by “bone remodeling,” which affects both the cortical and trabecular components of bone. During growth, the bones increase in size, peaking during puberty. However, there are also other factors, such as physical activity, diet, smoking and alcohol consumption, that affect bone density. Amenorrhea, early menopause, and disabling conditions should also be added. A proper lifestyle appears to be essential to ensure good calcium and vitamin D intake, but also proper hormonal balance. Calcium intake is essential from the earliest years of life, especially during adolescence.

Tips dietary

Patients with osteoporosis should eat a balanced diet. Milk and its derivatives are very important for bones, as is TOFU. Vegetables account for a share of calcium intake, especially green leafy vegetables. As for grains, the calcium content depends on the milling and refining processes they undergo. Meat and fish, however, account for a smaller proportion of daily calcium intake. Water can be a fair source of calcium, considering its average daily consumption.

Vitamin D is required to promote optimal bone mineralization, which is mainly provided by the sun. Only a few foods , all of animal origin, contain significant amounts of vitamin D.

Source: Handbook of Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition by Franco Contaldo et al.


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