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In fact, when people talk about menopause, they think of hormones, osteoporosis, mood swings, irritability, exhaustion, hot flashes, and forgetfulness that make every awakening for many women like the beginning of a new battle.

What is psoriatic arthritis?

Let’s find out the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis starting with the definition of the condition. Psoriatic arthritis: Is an inflammatory-type autoimmune disease that affects the joints Affects about 10-30% of

Fight osteoporosis? With pleasure

Osteoporosis mainly affects women after the menopause, but men are not exempt either. To prevent it, one must start young by adopting an active lifestyle, following a dietary healthy and

Early menopause

Sudden amenorrhea or preceded by a period of menstrual cycle irregularity, rapid and intense menopausal symptoms, including severe hot flashes and genital atrophy.

Osteoporosis: what diet to follow?

Osteoporosis mainly affects women in the post-menopausal period and is characterized by fragility of bone tissue, with high risk of fractures. Osteoporosis is the consequence of a physiological process represented

Ankle and foot injury

It is difficult to explain the difference between a dislocation of an ankle and a fracture. It is important that the injury be considered a fracture no matter what. It

Arthrosis of the hip


Osteoarthritis of the hip is also called coxarthrosis and is a chronic degenerative disease of the hip joint due to progressive disruption of articular cartilage.

Hip osteoarthritis can be primary or secondary. Primary coxarthrosis develops mostly in people of advanced age and has no clearly recognized cause, while secondary coxarthrosis develops as a result of other pathologies, which may be structural, such as certain congenital joint deformities, or of traumatic, infectious, rheumatic, or vascular origin.

It is a chronic and progressive disease that affects the cartilage that covers the femoral head and the acetabulum of the hip, that is, the cavity that contains it. Over time, the cartilage layer gradually thins until the underlying bone is exposed. This reacts by thickening and deforming, producing osteophytes, growths that restrict and make movement painful. Thickening of the joint capsule and retraction of the muscles produce a characteristic posture.

It is a widespread condition responsible for a high burden of disability in many people.


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Cervical arthrosis

Cervical osteoarthritis is a chronic osteoarticular condition that is very common after the age of 40-50 years in people of both sexes and from all parts of the world, due

Adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder

Adhesive capsulitis is a medical condition of shoulder suffering from both stiffness and pain. It is also called “frozen shoulder syndrome” precisely because of the reduced mobility and pain.

Hip fracture

Hip fracture is a serious injury with life-threatening complications. Most hip fractures occur at the femur, the long bone that extends from the pelvis to the knee. The part most


Rickets is a condition characterized by a severe impairment of bone mineralization, resulting in fragility and the onset of skeletal deformities at multiple levels, which mainly affects infants and children

Shock, medical emergency

It may happen that the circulation of blood through the body undergoes a sudden change giving rise to a condition of physiological shock, with decreased flow and crisis on the


The term “gonarthrosis” refers to arthrosis that develops at the level of the knee; in terms of causes, nature, characteristics and evolution, it is completely superimposable to arthrosis affecting other

Hallux valgus

Hallux valgus is a deformity of the foot consisting of the departure of the head of the first metatarsal from the others. In this condition, there is lateral deviation of

Meniere’s Syndrome

Meniere’s syndrome is a balance disorder characterized by recurrent and unpredictable “attacks” involving the onset of intense dizziness, associated with reduced hearing, whistling and buzzing. Each attack is heralded by

Paget’s bone disease

Paget’s bone disease represents an abnormality in the physiological process by which the body over time gradually replaces old bone tissue with newly produced bone tissue. This process can become

Strains and muscle tears

In ascending order of severity, a muscle may be affected by a contracture, stretch, or tear. In the former the muscle tissue contracts, in the latter it is overstretched, and

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