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Do’s and don’ts in ankylosing spondylitis


As no specific, well-defined therapy is available for the treatment of
ankylosing spondylitis
the patient’s lifestyle becomes important, all that he or she can do in terms of actions and behaviors that should be done and those that should not be done in order to be able to curb, relieve, or reduce the symptoms of the disease, widespread pain, swelling, thus ensuring a better quality of life, in short What to do and what not to do in the activity of daily living.

The advice

Remain as active as possible, trying not to change personal habits too much with respect to the disease. Avoid harmful habits such as smoking, not only so as not to harm overall health, but also so as not to aggravate the condition of the spine.

Treatments and medications

It is very important to follow the advice and prescriptions of the treating physician, take the few recommended medications constantly, either nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or biologic drugs, or both, and avoid sudden interruptions in taking them, which could reignite the symptoms. Take plenty of calcium and vitamin D for bone protection.
Undergo periodic checkups to monitor the disease.
Observe any side effects of medications and report to the treating physician the type of effect caused , such as the occurrence of various infections, fungal infections, reddening of the eyes, or lowering of the immune system, so as to prevent greater discomfort from pain and inflammation or possible infections or related diseases.

The comorbiditiesà

And again, if you are already affected by one or more medical issues for which you are being followed for treatment by other physicians, you need to inform each individual physician, and even the pharmacist himself, of the different medications you are taking, so as to avoid the possibility of effects due to adverse drug-drug interactions occurring when the physician is not aware of all the medications being taken.
And it is advisable to be vigilant that the information also covers minor drugs such as over-the-counter products or supplements, whose active ingredients are likely to interact with those of the main drugs for treating the disease.

Physical activity

Keep constantly active, even in small daily activities, avoiding sedentary habits conveniently such as many hours of TV.
Regular exercise, practiced during the day and not in the evening, produces positive effects for all forms of arthritis.
Some of the most suitable exercises include Pilates exercises, which work well to improve physical condition in SA, as this motor practice works the muscles of the body by strengthening them and making them more flexible, as opposed to the pitfalls of joint stiffness, swelling and pain.

The diet

Of particular importance is to adopt a healthy diet, avoiding eating too much bread or potatoes, choosing instead plenty of vegetables, fruits, and lean proteins, which are effective in reducing inflammation and decreasing pain, but also in keeping body weight under control and not straining the joints, joints, and back.

Rest and sleep

It is advisable to maintain regular bedtime habits to ensure an adequate number of hours of rest.
Choose a firm mattress that does not make your body sink, and do not use too many pillows, trying to sleep on your back and with your legs spread out with only one pillow that is not too puffy placed behind your back, or alternatively sleep on your stomach but without a pillow.

Sexual activity

Fundamental is a good understanding as a couple based on communicating between the partners freely and sincerely about discomforts, personal needs and even fears while avoiding any possible tension. When symptoms become more intense sexual activity may be affected due to pain. But the condition can be improved either by using prescribed medications or by resorting to physical positions that promote sexual practice.

The postures

Standing assume a Posture of the column as straight as possible and counteracting curvature, which is actually also effective in keeping pain under control, as opposed to the kind of spontaneous posture usually adopted by SA patients, that of going along with the curvature of the spine believing that they are responding to pain by reducing it. Rather, when one sits down, prefer stiff, squarish chairs, which are better suited to the column, rather than comfortable wraparound chairs that are less suitable.

Physical therapy and complementary therapies

Physiotherapy can help make movements less rigid, making it easier for the joints to work. From physical therapy can also come help in learning the best postures for nighttime and sleep.
To counteract swelling, the use of ice packs can be helpful, while for stiff or sore muscles and joints, the application of heat can help.
Useful and effective in addressing the symptoms of SA are some therapies such as acupuncture, muscle and joint massage, which help to relieve symptoms and improve the patient’s quality of life.

The work

Depending on the type of work being done, a workstation should be sought that is as responsive as possible to the needs of alternating between sitting and standing, so that one can vary one’s postures during working hours. A few short breaks may improve any milder symptoms. Informing colleagues of your health problem by accepting any suggestions can foster a more livable atmosphere at work.
Using behavioral rules suggested by “occupational therapy” can be useful and decisive, as it is precisely the main purpose of this medical discipline to study the best environmental conditions, movements and positions to best live with the pathology.

The guide of the car

Usually, patients with ankylosing spondylitis are able to drive a car without particular problems.
The driving posture should be comfortable, so that the top of the head is supported and protected by the headrest, that the driver’s seat is sufficiently high in relation to the view of the road.
Resort to the use of wider rear-view mirrors.
In those cases in which certain joint movements are difficult or painful, such as during more demanding parking maneuvers, or during street entry maneuvers, where adequate range of motion is needed to be able to see other cars,
Avoid driving for many hours in a row, but prefer shorter stages that include stops to get out of the car even for a few steps, doing some leg stretching exercises.


  • Profile picture of Dr. Piergiorgio Mura
    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    • Via Andrea Meldola 404 - Roma
  • Profile picture of Dr. Vittorio Ciaglia
    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    • Via Nazionale 13 - San Lupo
  • Profile picture of Dott.ssa Giuseppina Cantarelli
    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    Psychologists, Psychotherapists, Sexologists

    • Via Paolo Il Danese - Parma
  • Profile picture of Dott. Francesco Di Bisceglie
    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    • Via Cassia Nord 1 - Siena
  • Profile picture of Dr. Andrea Pavei
    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    • Via Giustiniani 1 - Padova


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