Eating well, a weapon against depression too?

A comprehensive article published in The Lancet’s journal, EbioMedicine, analyzes current knowledge on the relationship between nutrition and some psychiatric disorders, particularly depression. What are the key messages of the

Anxiety: causes, symptoms and treatment

Anxiety or, more precisely, “generalized anxiety disorder” as stated in the “Statistical Diagnostic Manual of Mental Disorders, is a psychiatric disorder characterized by: intense and persistent worry and anxiety not

Physical signs of anxiety

It starts as a state of mind but often ‘anxiety is accompanied by actual symptoms. Anxiety can raise the glycemic index, expose you more easily to the flu, and even

Family life and obsessive compulsive disorder

Obsessive compulsive disorder is a disease capable of disrupting those affected, completely changing their habits, activities and quality of life, but it extends its consequences to the patient's family causing a difficult and challenging living condition.

Sexual Habits: Outercourse, non-penetrative sex

Sexual partners may move toward outcourse for a variety of reasons of a practical, ideological, moral, or religious nature, to limit the risk of pregnancy, as a matter of sexual preference , as an alternative to menstruation, or for medical impediments that advise against penetration at a given time.

Neurodevelopmental disorders and autism

As we know, neurodevelopmental disorders are increasing dramatically, and we find ourselves every day, both as professionals in the field and as people, considering all the clinical and human implications.

What if we rewrote our history!


By Cristina Martinucci – Life Coach, NLP, Lausanne, Switzerland

We have had life experiences that have marked us as human beings. Our life consists of a series of magnificent experiences that have taught us a lot and even provided us with the keys to some doors to embark on the following adventures.

We rarely try to remember all the wonderful adventures that have enabled us to become the people we have become. On the contrary, we tend to get stuck in the negative experience, to remember especially the difficult experiences, which we did not want, did not like, and in the worst cases even traumatized us.

Some experiences have so moved us that the repetition of a painful experience frightens us. We drew hasty conclusions. By making certain decisions, we created beliefs, convictions in a certain situation that led us to behave in a certain way. Since then, we have not questioned them and behave in this way to protect ourselves, to avoid suffering and, as a result, we get results that sometimes prevent us from advancing and living life fully and from achieving the results we desire.

Our internal and mental systems are not always easy to understand. But when we are faced with the sometimes difficult reality that we are stuck in, do we not know consciously what is blocking and why do we always reproduce the same situations?

For example, “Why do I often attract bad partners who make me suffer?”, precarious jobs that I have to change all the time, difficult interpersonal relationships, “I can’t tolerate my colleagues anymore!”, a shortage of money, “My weekends are difficult,” loneliness, “Better to be alone than badly accompanied,” insecurity, “I can never sleep alone at home,” lack of confidence, “I’m afraid of public speaking.”

The thing I have learned and experienced on a daily basis, which has completely changed my outlook on life, is that we have the ability to choose and transform any situation we experience, at any time. I love the word “power”-the power is in us and no one else unless we authorize it ourselves.

We can continue to complain about something wrong or a decision made long ago. We can play the role of the victim by attracting again and again the same situations that lock us into a problem, into suffering or we can finally take responsibility by choosing to change our attitude. We become actors and transform our experience by doing something constructive with our baggage (complete positive and negative package). This will take us to another level of understanding, to integrate all the learning we can find in every experience and continue to live our lives fully in the best version of ourselves.

So we can change our life story, create the reality that we like and inspire us and make us dream of being like the people we admire around us, like our role models, our youngest children, our superheroes. Anything is possible !!! We just need to decide again which side we want to be on and from which point of view we want to see things.


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