Anorexia nervosa

Anorexia nervosa was included in DSM 5 (2013) in the broader diagnostic category called Nutrition and Eating Disorders. The main characteristic of this disorder is food refusal. The term anorexia (literally

Emotional skills

The learning of emotional skills requires a different methodology, since it assumes adequate knowledge of one’s emotional world and the development of interpersonal skills. The role of emotions is very

Holidays, Melancholy and Covid

We have said it, read it, and are experiencing it on our own skin: this year's Christmas and New Year's holidays will be different than usual because of the pandemic.

Jet lag: what is it?

The jet lag (English term, literally “jet delay”; often referred to as meltdown) o dysrhythmia, dyschrony or even dysynchronosis circadian, is a clinical condition that occurs when crossing several time

The diet unfit for memory

Sometimes it is not given to realize how much damage can come from inadequate nutrition and a dangerous diet, carrying many consequences for the heart and brain, with a real

Major depression

Depressione maggiore

Major depression (or “major depressive disorder,” as stated in the “Statistical Diagnostic Manual of Mental Disorders – DSM 5”), is a mood disorder that is characterized by the presence of deep and persistent sadness, apathy and disinterest in all aspects of life, lack of energy and hope for the future, and inability to make plans and take pleasure in habitual activities.

The state of psycho-emotional prostration typical of major depression arises and is maintained independently of unfavorable external circumstances and is usually accompanied by physical symptoms such as alterations in appetite and sleep-wake rhythm, headaches, gastrointestinal complaints, generalized fatigue, and muscle and joint soreness, varying in combination and intensity from case to case.

Although it can occur at any time of life, major depressive disorder is most frequently diagnosed between the ages of 25 and 45 and at older ages; women are affected more than men, especially after menopause.
After onset, the disease is maintained chronically throughout life, with an unpredictable and subjective alternation of episodes of acute depression and periods of psycho-emotional well-being, both of variable duration.


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