Asthma is sensitive to the psyche

There is a close relationship between adversity in childhood and asthma risk, according to extensive research conducted by a group of pediatricians at Brown University in Providence, the U.S. capital

10. Plants in space.

The International Space Station (ISS) has operated continuously for more than twenty years in Earth orbit, hosting teams of astronauts and scientists on research missions lasting up to several months; among the purposes of this research is the development of technologies that can keep a crew alive on missions beyond Earth orbit.

What is hemoperfusion?

This is a system in which blood is brought from the patient, by arterial cannulation, into an extracorporeal circuit. The blood, before returning to the body via the venous route,

Bacterial infections and international travel

Having to undertake a trip, whether for business or leisure, it is necessary to gather detailed information about the places one intends to visit, considering the map of countries where the risk of exposure to "traveler's diseases" is highest.

Periodontal Disease. What is it all about?

Periodontitis is a chronic infectious disease that affects the supporting structures around the tooth such as gingiva and bone. What are the triggers and symptoms? Periodontitis (once called Pyorrhea) is

Can bipolar disorder be prevented?

Prevention with this disorder is not comparable to what is required for other clinical conditions, as it is a disorder of the mind that affects the mood sphere, but intervening in a timely manner at the first signs of mental illness is a definite advantage with respect to the future condition of the sick person, thus preventing the worsening of the illness.

Emotions set teenage brains in motion

It is not difficult to think that a particularly strong emotional state can cause increased brain activity, especially in adolescents. The finding is interesting especially when compared to other mechanisms

Bruxism: teeth grinding

Bruxism is a behavior that consists of rubbing associated with clenching of the teeth of the upper two arches on the lower in an involuntary and especially violent manner. This

Water sports


We have now reached the height of summer. Temperatures are beginning to rise relentlessly and the heat is beginning to take its toll, especially on those who practice sports. Running, going to the gym, playing tennis, or playing any other sport at this time of year has become increasingly difficult and tiring due to the high temperatures that make any movement of our bodies even more tiring, as well as increasing dehydration and exhaustion. What, then, is the remedy for continuing a sporting activity while not being oppressed by the summer heat ? The answer is simple but as trivial as ever: water sports!

The allure of water

Water is one of the elements that has always fascinated man, who has always tried to master and control it, learning to swim from an early age (water births are always common) or plying the widest oceans aboard hundreds of types of vessels. Whether it is a small pool, or the vast expanses of the sea, water has always attracted humans, whether it is taking a relaxing swim on the surface, or descending into the darkest depths of the ocean floor, equipped with an oxygen tank and wetsuit. Soon, therefore, man thought of merging two of the key components of his existence and well-being: sports and water.

The benefits of water sports

The benefits of exercising in water are many. In water sports all muscles (some to a greater extent, others to a lesser extent) are in action. The heart and lungs are kept fit and circulation is stimulated. All water sports (swimming, water polo, diving, hidrobike…) also do not affect the joints in a harmful way but, on the contrary, people who suffer from arthritis can benefit significantly from exercise done in the water. In addition to being good for all muscles and joints, water sports are also very important for the well-being of the mind. How? Swimming, for example, can improve the mood of both women and men. In addition, for individuals with fibromyalgia, water sports can help to decrease anxiety and depression, even more effectively when done in warm water.

Water exercise is also healthy for pregnant women, both for the physical well-being of the mother and the baby. Finally, even for parents of children with developmental disabilities, water activities are highly recommended to strengthen family bonds.


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Brain tumors

Brain tumors are rare cancers that can be primary, that is, originate in the brain, or form as secondary metastases of neoplasms in other organs, such as lung or breast


Otitis are inflammatory processes that can affect different parts of the ear. The two most common forms are otitis externa, which involves the pinna and the first portion of the


Headache, the so-called “headache,” is probably the most common form of pain. It is chronic or recurrent pain affecting various structures of the head, such as arterial and venous vessels,

Jugular stenosis

Jugular stenosis corresponds to a narrowing of the lumen of the jugular veins, which are the main blood vessels that collect oxygen-poor blood from the brain and return it to

Post-traumatic stress disorder

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a psychiatric disorder that can occur at any age in people who have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event that has made them feel life-threatening

Periodontal disease

Periodontitis, also called periodontal disease, begins with bacterial growth in the mouth and can end-if not properly treated-with tooth lossdue to destruction of the tissue surrounding the teeth. Gingivitis (inflammation


Bruxism is a condition in which you grind your teeth: it can happen, unconsciously, in a waking state or, more often, during sleep. People who clench or grind their teeth

Respiratory failure

A condition of “respiratory failure” is present when the respiratory system is unable to ensure efficient gas exchanges through the lungs, preventing the maintenance of an adequate balance between oxygen


Seasonal influenza is an infectious disease of viral origin that is transmitted by the respiratory route through virus-laden vapor particles released into the air by infected individuals through breathing, coughing,

Uncontrolled eating disorder

Uncontrolled eating disorder is an eating behavior disorder that is characterized by an inability to control food intake, resulting in the more or less frequent repetition of binges similar to

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