Adult function and adolescence

Parents, teachers, janitors, doctors, sports coaches, as well as subway passengers or spectators in a movie theater, we are all adults in different roles. But precisely all of us, as

Separated parents and the holiday season

The Christmas vacation season, with the array of decorations and advertising icons and all the rhetoric of family and good feelings that accompany them, can prove at times and for some a kind of emotional "trap."

New conditions that can be linked to Coronavirus

Doctors are alarmed that an increasing number of children are becoming ill with a clinical condition called pediatric systemic inflammatory syndrome, which can be traced to coronavirus. The latest updates

What is hematemesis?


Hematemesis is the oral emission of blood with vomiting. Symptomatology and objective signs depend on etiology. In the case of massive hemorrhage, symptomatology and objectivity in hypovolemic shock will be present. Immediate procedures such as cannulation of the vein, suspension of solid and liquid feeding, and insertion of a naso-gastric tube must be performed.

Laboratory tests to be performed are CBC, azotemia, blood glucose, ionogram, endoscopy, angiography, radioactive isotope radiological investigations, ECG, PA. In the case of esophageal varices, urgent perendoscopic sclerotherapy, endoscopic hemostasis and a possible infusion of Samotostatin is essential. For hematemesis of other nature sometimes targeted surgery or random therapy is needed.

Source: Medical Emergencies in Pediatrics by Mediserve edited by Maurizio Vanelli


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    active 4 years, 1 month ago

    Endocrinologists, Basic Doctors, Certifying Doctor

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