Sleepiness? Perhaps sleep apnea

You can sleep as long as 8 hours in a row but without resting if you experience continuous apneas during the night that stop your breathing recurrently for a few

Coronavirus and high blood pressure

Recent research indicates that people with high blood pressure may be more likely to be exposed to CVID-19, and also have more symptoms or risk their lives from this infection.Here’s

The electric shock

When electrical energy, by mistake or accident, reaches the body by traveling through it in several parts, electric shock occurs.

Blocked carotid arteries: when to intervene?

Obstruction of the carotid arteries (they carry blood and oxygen to the brain) can be treated with medication or by resorting to surgery. Tips for “cleaning” the vessels and preventing

Mental disorders after lockdown

Mental health problems are a common response to the lockdown experience following Civid 19. Symptoms such as anxiety and depression are increased as well as conditions of stress and distress. Also related to stress are sleep-wake rhythm disturbances with frequent night waking and poor sleep. Among the most at-risk groups are the elderly, pregnant women, people with pre-existing conditions including mental illness and the socially disadvantaged.


Coronarography, also called coronary angiography, is an invasive radiological technique used in cardiology to visualize the course and condition of the coronary arteries.


Symptoms differ. In critically ill patients, cardiac arrest is accompanied by previous difficult and insufficient breathing and also by widespread worsening of physical condition, significant pressure reduction, and altered states

Peripheral arteriopathy obliterans: what is it?

Peripheral arteriopathy obliterans or peripheral arterial occlusive disease is a medical condition in which there is a localized obstructive lesion downstream of the renal arteries, with hypoperfusion of the lower

Introduction to apnea

FREE DIVING: 10 Video-Assisted Lessons. Starting next December 12, 2020 every week on the educareyou portal and social networks.

Myocardial infarction


Acute myocardial infarction, which affects about 100,000 people in Italy each year, corresponds to the death of a part of the heart muscle due to an interruption in the supply of oxygen and nutrients (ischaemia) caused by the sudden occlusion of a coronary artery.

The damaged portion of heart muscle is the larger the longer the ischaemia lasts: if the affected area is small and action is taken quickly to restore blood flow, the damage is minimal; conversely, if the damage affects a large portion of myocardial tissue, after remission from the acute event, serious chronic heart failure may develop, resulting in varying degrees of disability and a general reduction in quality of life; if the cardiac ischaemia is very extensive and/or is not addressed promptly, the heart will cease to contract, resulting in death.


  • Profile picture of Dr. Giuseppe Panico
    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    Dermatologists, Basic Doctors

    • Viale Prassilla 41 - Roma
  • Profile picture of Dr. Lorenzo Cerreoni
    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    Aesthetic Doctors, Basic Doctors

    • Via Macero Sauli 52 - Forlì
  • Profile picture of Dr. Antonio Varriale
    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    Aesthetic Doctors, Dentists, Basic Doctors

    • Via Grotta dell Olmo 20 - Giugliano in Campania
  • Profile picture of Dott. Flavio Della Croce
    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    Psychotherapists, Basic Doctors

    • Via Sacconi 1 - Borgonovo Val Tidone
  • Profile picture of Dott.ssa Erminia Maria Ferrari
    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    Homeopathic Medicine, Basic Doctors, Pediatricians

    • Via San Carlo 3 - Castel Rozzone


Ablation of atrial fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation (AF) ablation surgery is a surgical procedure aimed at eliminating the source of the cardiac arrhythmia through the selective destruction of small portions of the cardiac tissue present


The term coronary artery disease refers to chronic “distress” of the coronary arteries, the arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle, in most cases brought about by atherosclerotic pathology


Cellulite is an inflammatory-based alteration of the fat-rich subcutaneous tissue(panniculus adiposus), triggered by fluid stagnation due to poor venous and lymphatic circulation (lymph is a fluid that flows in channels

Mitral valve repair

Repair of an insufficient/deteriorated mitral valve can be done: Removing the malfunctioning segments of the valve leaflets; implanting “synthetic cords” (which replace the broken or “stretched” natural ones of the

Myocardial infarction

Acute myocardial infarction, which affects about 100,000 people in Italy each year, corresponds to the death of a part of the heart muscle due to an interruption in the supply

Diseases of the heart valves

Heart valve diseases comprise a large group of structural alterations and dysfunctions, congenital or more often acquired, that prevent the valves that separate the different chambers of the heart (atria

Ventricular hypertrophy

Ventricular hypertrophy is a condition characterized by thickening and a loss of elasticity of the walls of the left ventricle (i.e., the left lower chamber of the heart), which thus


1/10 – What is lymphedema Lymphedema is a chronic pathological condition mainly manifested by swelling of a region of the body due to the accumulation of lymph in the tissues.

Blow to the heart

A “heart murmur” is not in itself a pathology , but merely a signal that the blood inside the heart is flowing too fast or in a “disordered” manner, producing

Intracranial hypertension

Increased pressure within the head box may be related to cerebral edema or the presence of an intracranial expansive lesion, an obstruction of CSF circulation, or the association of these

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