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The electric shock


Whenelectrical energy, by mistake or accident, reaches the body by traveling through it in several parts, electricshock occurs.
The crossing of electricity sometimes does not cause internal injuries, but in some cases causes them with considerable damage up to the predita of life.
The most common injury caused by electricity involves burns.
The vast majority of injury cases mainly involve work and household accidents, the latter with a caseload that particularly includes children and adolescents, usually driven by curiosity to inspect objects.

The damage that the impact of electricity can cause to the body depends on various factors such as:

  • The type of electric current, whether low or high voltage.
  • The amount of current.
  • From the type of tissues affected by the electric shock.
  • The time of exposure to electricity.
  • From the environmental conditions in which the injury occurs.

If you are present at such a traumatic event and intend to render aid to the victim, you will need to be very careful not to get caught up in the electrical energy that is probably still present at the scene, such as an uncovered cable that ended up on the floor or other objects that can transmit electricity.
Rather, arrange to disconnect the power from the main meter, and still call the emergency number for medical aid to the injured person.
In addition to the impact caused by the current, the affected person may in some cases have also suffered trauma damage from the fall.


As a result of electric shock a person may suffer minor external damage, or he or she may suffer actual burns on the parts affected by the electricity, but in any case care must be taken to ensure that the conditions for cardiac arrest are not being produced.
Burns usually affect the areas of the body affected by the current, usually hands, feet, head.
Other damage may be found to muscles due to contraction resulting from the shock, to the spine, or to internal organs.
Diagnostic investigations should be performed on the casualty, especially when complaining of abdominal pain, chest pain, difficult breathing.
Burns caused by electricity leave dark marks like charred skin on the skin, especially of children.


The treatment of electric shock injuries must take into account the state of the injured person by verifying the damage suffered, such as:

  • severe burns;
  • state of confusion;
  • convulsions;
  • chest pain;
  • abdominal pain;
  • breathlessness;
  • cardiac arthymia;
  • Muscle contractions.

Depending on the severity, burns should be treated with antibiotic therapy, sometimes with surgery to thoroughly clean the wound and limit skin damage.
In cases of severe muscle damage, removal of the current-damaged muscle may be necessary.
The condition of the bones, possibly traumatized by possible bumps or falls resulting from the electrical discharge, should then be monitored, as should the condition of the eyes.


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    active 3 years, 10 months ago

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