The enemy is always lurking, one must always keep that in mind.
So nice to experience the thrills of amorous conquest, the heartbeat that the impending experience of possessing and enjoying a partner’s beautiful body, perhaps already seen, admired and courted on warm summer evenings, provides. The time has come.
What to do? To blindly obey the urges of the senses or to leave a little room for the friend “brain”? But where then is the enemy hiding? We only see someone handsome, sexy, tanned that triggers eros.
And yet, nevertheless, the enemy may be there, unseen, well hidden, devious and ready to strike and spoil our party. It has not just one name but many: it calls itself Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Papillomavirus, HIV, Hepatitis B and C, and many other more less threatening names. It can be a parasite, a bacterium, a virus, invisible and dangerous, ready to attack at different times.
Anyone who is sexually active is always at risk of contracting STDs. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) frequently manifest themselves with various symptoms as well as obvious signs, but sometimes, however, they can also be completely silent and settle in without visual signs, thus going unnoticed and consequently untreated.
So how to defend against these hidden enemies?
– Have only protected sex under all circumstances, using a condom or, if necessary, a dental dam.
– Use separate underwear for intimate hygiene.
– Keep the risk of infection low by limiting the number of sexual partners.
– Select one’s company, avoiding associating with people who are drug addicts or from promiscuous backgrounds.
– Limit the use of alcohol, avoiding its effects in choosing the wrong partner.
– Do not take any kind of drugs that can alter or confuse perception of facts and lead to risky choices.