Herpes is a hidden and quite unpredictable enemy that can suddenly appear.
The infection is caused by herpes simplex virus (HSV-1 ), which is closely related to the virus that causesgenital herpes (HSV-2). Herpes labialis is a viral infection that affects the area around the mouth with small blisters of fluid that sometimes invade the lips causing uncomfortable swelling that can become irritated and burn.
When we are affected we feel some aesthetic discomfort in showing ourselves in public, and we often shy away knowing the widespread fear of people contracting the virus. After this stage the cold sore turns into a scab, after which it usually heals in about ten days. These two viruses, herpes simplex and genital herpes can affect the mouth or genitals and be transmitted between people either by close contact or sexual contact.
Labial or genital wounds, are contagious even when they are invisible.
Herpes labialis can be relieved by antiviral drugs which are applied to the part as an adjuvant for faster healing aspoorly as the disease regresses spontaneously, although it may reoccur periodically especially when there are reduced immune defenses, one is particularly stressed or malnourished, in women in particular, during hormonal surges or during the menstrual cycle. Indirectly, excessive sun exposure can also sometimes predispose to cold sores taking root.
Cold sores and genital herpes are contagious viruses, so common use of dishes, towels or personal hygiene tools such as razors, scissors, etc. should be avoided…
Once a herpes infection has occurred, the virus coexists as a sleeper among skin cells, resurfacing on subsequent occasions if favorable conditions occur.