The revolution of the adolescent self

As we know, adolescence is an extremely vibrant and fruitful phase of human development in which the line between normality and pathology becomes difficult to draw.


There is a lot of talk about burnout, a highly topical phenomenon in the world of work, in companies, but also in other contexts.The term “burnout” originated in the 1940s

Probiotics and allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis is a very common and widespread condition in the population with fairly high rates and symptoms such as sneezing, itching, and nasal congestion.

The pathologies of the hip

Hip disorders are disorders that affect the hip joint, which looks like a kind of ball inserted into a structure that allows the thigh to be able to move in multiple directions and helps the hips to support the weight of the body.

Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia

DEMENCY is an organically based disturbance of previously acquired intellectual functions: memory (short- and long-term), critical and judgment skills, language, and spatio-temporal orientation. Today, nearly 50 million people worldwide have

Hip reparative surgery

There can be several surgical interventions to correct the hip disorder that vary based on the type and extent of the disorder. Surgery is necessary in cases of hip fracture.

Early menopause

Sudden amenorrhea or preceded by a period of menstrual cycle irregularity, rapid and intense menopausal symptoms, including severe hot flashes and genital atrophy.



Bruxism is a condition in which you grind your teeth: it can happen, unconsciously, in a waking state or, more often, during sleep.
People who clench or grind their teeth during sleep are more likely to suffer from other sleep disorders, such as snoring and obstructive apnea (pauses in breathing).
Mild bruxism may require no treatment. However, in some people, bruxism can be frequent and severe enough to cause jaw discomfort, headaches, damaged teeth and other problems.

It is a very common condition, but those who suffer from sleep bruxism may not be aware of it until complications develop; therefore, it is important to know its signs and symptoms so that they can then undergo the appropriate treatments.




The term syncope refers to an episode of fainting, that is, a sudden loss of senses, which can affect people of any age and can be induced by a variety

Jet lag

Jet-lag is a sleep disorder that affects those who travel by crossing at least 3-4 time zones, either westward or eastward, due mainly to the temporary failure of synchronization between


The trachea is an organ of the respiratory system, part of the lower airway and located between the larynx and bronchi. It is a tubular hollow viscera whose primary function


Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that causes the sufferer to voluntarily deprive himself or herself of food or to consume extremely limited amounts of food that are not compatible

Peyronie’s or curved penis disease

Peyronie ‘s disease is a condition resulting from an abnormality of the penis due to fibrous scar tissue that appears on the penis changing its shape during erection, which becomes

Borderline personality disorder

Borderline personality disorder is a psychiatric disorder characterized by a fluctuating perception of one’s value and identity, with sudden swings from a very positive and idealized view of oneself to

Periodontal disease

Periodontitis, also called periodontal disease, begins with bacterial growth in the mouth and can end-if not properly treated-with tooth lossdue to destruction of the tissue surrounding the teeth. Gingivitis (inflammation

Panic attack

What is meant by a panic attack? It is understood as the sudden manifestation of a strong fear accompanied by an equally intense physical symptomatology despite the absence of an


Alcoholism is a real disease because of the way it presents itself, the disorders it causes, and the symptoms it gives the patient. The term Alcoholism is used when disorders


The pharynx is the muscular-membranous canal of the oral cavity that connects with the nasal cavity, esophagus, larynx, and middle ear. Pharyngitis is the inflammation of the pharynx and is

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