Holidays and Melancholy

Christmas Blues is called that state of unease, characterized by depression, anxiety, impatience, stress, insomnia, and physical and mental fatigue that accompanies the holiday season.

Personal autonomy and competence

Speaking of personhood and autonomy, it is possible to imagine how difficult it is for these concepts to be abstract. In the world of work, there are objective limits to

Practical aspects of professional life

Inwork activity, some problems tend to occur more frequently than others. Conflicts between people often come up in companies, which makes it even more complicated, not only to manage normal

Bureaucracy in the work environment

One of the main causes of work stress is bureaucracy, which is often called into question when problems seem to have no solution. In the current social and labor organizational

The psychology of positive and human potential

Personality can sometimes play a decisive role in the modulating the effects of adversity. Scholars have observed individuals submissive and neurotic and gave rise to the so-called psychology of the

Burn-out syndrome

Burn-out refers to a phenomenon typical of those professions that have in their mandate the connotation of being “helpful to others.” Implicit in these professions is a direct relationship between

Autism : can shared treatment protocols be developed?


No contact with reality, inability to interact and communicate with others, difficulty in speech, rigidity of movements: these are some typical manifestations of autism, a disease whose knowledge is still limited in the world, especially in low- or middle-income countries, while in high-income countries there is much investment in research. To redress this imbalance, a project was born at the “Bambino Gesù” hospital in Rome to create a international network of physicians and researchers engaged in the development of therapeutic protocols for use in shared.

Source: Recreation Center

The jesus child project

Over four years, physicians and researchers from twenty countries and four continents will collaborate on research to disseminate evidence-based best practices among clinical centers in low- and middle-income countries. Based on the studies that each network member will carry out in his or her area of focus, the following will be developed diagnostic and therapeutic protocols that can be applied in any social and cultural context. At a later stage, local operators will be remotely trained to implement sustainable protocols.

What is autism

What is autism? Autism-or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by an atypical organization of certain mental functions and related areas of the brain. The origin is genetic, but environmental factors, su ch as exposure to pollutants during pregnancy, are also implicated. More risk elements are the advanced age of the parents (especially the father), low birth weight or strong prematurity.

autistic childrenSource: Free News

Incidence and characteristics of autism

In Italy, autism involves about 500,000 families; worldwide 1 in every 100 children has an autism spectrum disorder. The probability of a child being born with autism exceeds 1%, with a higher prevalence among boys than girls (the ratio is 4 to 1). The onset is early (between 14 and 28 months) and lasts throughout life.

About 50% of people with autism have a cognitive disability. In general, autistic people manifest a special focus on certain sensory stimuli, have a predisposition to repetitive behaviors and rigid routines, and also have a poor aptitude and motivation for reciprocal social interaction. Autism, in fact, impairs the ability to interact and communicate with others.

autistic child

Source: Irpinianews

Treatments for autism

Early intervention is crucial: specialized, multidisciplinary teams today are able to make diagnosis as early as 2-3 years, to 4 in the most complex situations, and then adopt the most suitable on a case-by-case basis. There is no cure for autism, but there are treatments, such as “parent training,” that significantly improve symptoms and quality of life. Just at the “Bambino Gesù” children’s hospital, “parent-mediated cooperative therapy” has been carried out for years, targeting the entire family unit and involving the child from preschool age, sometimes immediately after diagnosis. The course lasts 6 months: starting with one session per week and ending on a monthly basis.


Source: For Us Autistic People

by Piercarlo Salari


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