Digestive endoscopy with fiberoptic instruments is also considered a routine technique in the pediatric age group. The examination often needs to be performed urgently, within 24 to 48 hours of the onset of the event that required its performance. High endoscopy is performed when faced with upper gastrointestinal tract bleeding, suspected caustic ingestions, foreign body ingestions, melena, and esophageal varices.
Procedures for endoscopic examination are: taking Diazepam, general anesthesia, transfusion therapy in case of acute anemia, endogastric lavage in case of bleeding, and intestinal cleansing with saline rectoclysis.
In all cases it is essential to perform: blood count, PLT, blood group, blood glucose, azotemia, electrolytes, p-cholinesterase, PTT, CPH, ECG.
Source: Medical Emergencies in Pediatrics by Mediserve edited by Maurizio Vanelli