What to do in case of lead poisoning?

Lead abounds in nature as it is distributed over the earth by reaching the environment for extraction from natural deposits. Lead enters metabolism and interferes with normal heme synthesis. It

Treatment of amblyopia – lazy eye

The term amblyopia, or more commonly “lazy eye,” denotes that condition in which there is a greater reduction in visual acuity (i.e., quality of vision) in one eye than in

The enemies of sexual desire

Because of its characteristics, sexual desire is a delicate structure that does not tolerate external disturbing factors.

Ingestion of poisonous substances

Ingested poisons normally stay in the stomach for a short time. Absorption occurs after the poison has passed through the small intestine. A poisonous substance does more damage to the

Dry eye: what is it?

Dry eye, also called dry eye syndrome, occurs when tear production is inadequate or when tears have an abnormal consistency and therefore evaporate too quickly. Dryness can be short-lived or

Anuria – Oliguria

Anuria is the failure of the kidney to produce urine. Oliguria, on the other hand, is the production of an insufficient amount of urine to maintain homeostasis. Causes may be

Exposure to chemicals


A corrosive substance can damage tissue within minutes, so it is very important to remove it quickly.

What to do?

  1. First, immediately call for an ambulance. If the chemical remains in contact with the skin, it continues to corrode it.
  2. Wash away the substance with large amounts of water.
  3. Remove contaminated clothing.
  4. Wash the corroded part for about 20 min. with mild soap and rinse.
  5. Cover the affected part with the dry, sterile dressing.

If a chemical penetrates an eye:

  1. Keep the eye open as much as possible with the fingers.
  2. Wash the eye immediately with warm water.
  3. Hold the head under the faucet or pour water into the eye with a clean container for at least 15-20 min.
  4. Cover with a milling bandage and unique both eyes

If a chemical has been swallowed administer water or milk.

If a chemical has been breathed in, symptoms may include: headache, chest pain, asthenia, nausea, dizziness, loss of consciousness, cardiac and respiratory arrest.

What to do?

  1. Taking the victim outdoors.
  2. Check vital parameters.
  3. Call the ambulance.

Source: Mediserve‘s Pocket Guide to First Aid.


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