Shock in children

Shock is the condition in which the circulatory supply is Insufficient to meet the body’s metabolic needs. Tissue hypoperfusion can be realized through three mechanisms: the reduction of global blood

Can bipolar disorder be prevented?

Prevention with this disorder is not comparable to what is required for other clinical conditions, as it is a disorder of the mind that affects the mood sphere, but intervening in a timely manner at the first signs of mental illness is a definite advantage with respect to the future condition of the sick person, thus preventing the worsening of the illness.

Emesis in case of poisoning

Despite the lavender gastric is undeniably useful, it has many features reminiscent of a barbarian assault, so it is best to avoid using this method with the young children. When

Ticks: how to get rid of them

A tick can remain in the skin for days without the victim being aware of it, as its bite is painless. Many bites are harmless, but some

What is the intragastric balloon?

The intragastric balloon is inserted through endoscopic intervention into the stomach. It induces a partial filling of the stomach, causing the subject to feel full, which turns him or her

Chlorine-organic insecticides

Chlor-organic insecticides include aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, dicophane and lindane. Because they are substances that resist chemical degradation, they can persist in the environment, and as a result, it is mandatory

Paracetamol: what to do?

In some countries, paracetamol is sold in quantities greater than aspirin. Most people, they do not know the differences between the two substances. For this reason, poisoning by paracetamol in

Injury of the fingers and toes

FRACTURE/LUXATION For detect a fracture it is necessary for the patient to test the percussion, holding the fingers in full extension on a solid surface. Firmly strike the fingertips, and

Hymenoptera venom allergy

Allergy due to the components of the venom contained in the sting of hymenoptera can cause extensive local reactions or systemic reactions. As for the extensive local reactions edema appears

Arsenic Poisoning

Although arsenic is not a metal but a metalloid, it is widespread in nature and prolonged exposure causes a carcinogenic effect. Arsenic derivatives are used within industries as pesticides or

Main types of poisoning: quinine, quinidine

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The two compounds differ only in their optical isomerism, but toward living systems quinidine is more toxic. Quinine overdose is less common than before, as it is mainly used for abortion. Both drugs are muscle depressants and both are excreted rapidly.

The main symptoms are nausea, headache, vomiting, ataxia, Diarrhea, abdominal pain, and tinnitus. Tachycardia is associated with arrhythmia heart rate and to drop blood pressure. Some subjects may manifest these symptoms even at very low doses.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis is almost always based on history, and because of rapidity in treatment, plasma-type investigations are excluded. Due to the presence of spontaneous vomiting, active emptying of the stomach is unnecessary. Supportive measures are the basis of treatment, with bilateral stellate ganglion block maneuvers by direct injection of a local anesthetic.

Source: Vadecum of poisoning therapy by Roy Goulding


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