Chlor-organic insecticides include aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, dicophane and lindane. Because they are substances that resist chemical degradation, they can persist in the environment, and as a result, it is mandatory to withdraw them from use in almost all countries. All chloro-organic insecticides act as central nervous system stimulants. Chronic exposure promotes the accumulation of these substances in adipose tissue, which sequesters the substance. Stimulation of the nervous system leads to excitation, convulsions and muscle fasciculations.
Diagnosis and treatment
A blood sample can be taken to confirm the diagnosis and wait for the objective examination. Exposure almost always occurs parenterally, but if a substance is ingested it is necessary to empty the stomach and administer a saline purgative. As for seizures, it is possible to control them with diazepam.
Source: Vadecum of poisoning therapy by Roy Goulding