Types of poisoning: chlorates

Sodium and potassium chlorates are still used today to clean the soil of all vegetation. These substances in their dry state are strong oxidizing agents and present a high risk

Coma: what to do?

The Coma is the morbid condition characterized by loss of consciousness with reduced o absent responsiveness to sensory stimuli and preservation of function vegetative. Four levels of coma are distinguished:

Complications in bipolar disorder

From the clinical point of view, it should be mentioned that sometimes bipolar disorder may be accompanied by some pre-existing conditions that may aggravate an already quite serious condition, with more intense symptoms, for which the applied therapy may yield results of lesser effectiveness. But which ones are the most present?

Tooth/mouth injury

Biting of the lips and tongue What do? In the case of biting our lips or the tongue, apply direct pressure to the bleeding area with gauze sterile or with

Main types of poisoning: alcohol.

In the case of ethanol poisoning, the central effect is. strictly dose-dependent, with progression of brain structures more specialized. Methanol, on the other hand, exerts less depression on the system

Chlorinated hydrocarbons: what are they?

In this group of chemical compounds we find carbon tetrachloride. Similar to the latter there is chloroform and other derivatives that have replaced it. In addition to the narcotic features

Foreign body (in the respiratory tract)

Children between 6 months and 3 years of age often get find themselves struggling with a foreign body in the respiratory tract. Symptoms are spasmodic coughing and sudden stridor in

Heavy metals and metalloids: copper

Copper is widespread in nature and is an essential element for many life forms. In the metabolic disorder known as Wilson’s disease, copper accumulates in the body leading to hepato-lental

Arsina: what to do?

Arsine is a gas that is handled in its pure state in industry or is unexpectedly released from other metals when they come into contact with nascent hydrogen. Arsine has

Main types of poisoning: ethylene glycol


Ethylene glycol can be considered an alcohol polyhydroxylated. It appears to be low in toxicity but with the intake of other medication could cause death. A dose of 100 ml is very dangerous, if well some people are also cured by ingesting larger amounts. The clinical picture is the same as ethanol intoxication. After some time appear nausea, vomiting, muscle twitching, depression, convulsion and coma.

Diagnosis and treatment

Apart from the history, confirmation of intoxication is obtained by classical aspiration, through which the presence of a blue-colored liquid can be noted. In fatal cases, autopsy reveals diffuse cerebral edema with deposits of calcium oxalate crystals in the meninges. If the patient presents a few hours after ingesting the ethylene glycol then gastric lavage can be performed and sodium bicarbonate administered to correct the acidosis. When hypernatremia is high, it can be reduced with hemodialysis.

Source: Vadecum of poisoning therapy by Roy Goulding


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