Caustic ingestions

Caustics are the substances capable of damaging the digestive system. Symptoms present during caustic ingestion include crying, dysphagia, vomiting, chest pain, laryngeal stridor, profuse sialorrhea, possible respiratory distress. Caustics can


IThe moment a motionless person is seen, it is necessary to test the person ‘s sensitivity by shaking the body slightly and giving small blows. Immediately afterwards, it is important

What is hypothermia?

Hypothermia could be a potentially fatal emergency. It develops at temperatures above freezing but also below. There are two types of hypothermia: the mild form and the severe form. In

Poisoning by anticoaugulants

Anticoagulants are based on warfarin and related substances. The material found commercially is ready to be diluted, so that the content of baits prepared to keep rodent populations down is

Status of epileptic illness

When we speak of seizure sickness we refer to recurrent compulsive seizures without restoration of consciousness before the onset of a new seizure. In children, it is necessary to ensure

The family and the patient with bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder not only disrupts the patient's life but also makes the lives of those around him difficult and sometimes painful. People affected by this disorder often have difficulty acknowledging their mental state to themselves.

Main types of poisoning: salicylates

The most common type of poisoning is from aspirin, a drug that contains acetylsalicylic acid. Aspirin tablets are very popular among adults intent on poisoning. In the body, salicylates exert

Shock in children

Shock is the condition in which the circulatory supply is Insufficient to meet the body’s metabolic needs. Tissue hypoperfusion can be realized through three mechanisms: the reduction of global blood

What is melena?

When we talk about melena, we refer to the presence of blood in the stool. Bleeding is typically located in the upper part of the ‘digestive tract above the ileocecal

Poison elimination

Logic would have it that in the case of coming into contact with poisons, one should remove from the body any toxic substance that has entered it, but clinical observations

Main types of poisoning: alcohol.


In the case of ethanol poisoning, the central effect is. strictly dose-dependent, with progression of brain structures more specialized. Methanol, on the other hand, exerts less depression on the system central nervous system, but it damages the eye.

As for ethanol, it initially determines. a change in mood, characterizing an empty-headed feeling, excitement and exaltation. The picture evolves with dulling of the sensorium, The slowing of reaction time and obvious incoordination. In the stadium more advanced you will have muscle flaccidity, depression of tendon reflexes, stupor, coma and respiratory depression.

Methanol intoxication, however, is different in that stupor and stupor occur 12-36 hours later, when vomiting, abdominal pain, and ataxia assail the patient.

Diagnosis and treatment

The medical history may be unreliable. Breath testing can be useful as a primary screening to determine whether alcohol introjection is involved. The blood test is simple and reliable, and through it the alcohol level can be measured.

For ethanol intoxication, the basis of treatment is intensive supportive therapy, including gastric lavage. For methanol poisoning, the latter should be done within 4 hours of ingestion, and acidosis should be treated by administration of intravenous sodium bicarbonate.

Source: Vadecum of poisoning therapy by Roy Goulding


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