Methods of poisoning: barbiturates

Today, compared with years past, barbiturate poisoning has greatly decreased, as they are no longer prescribable as before. Short- and medium-acting barbiturates are more toxic than long-acting ones. The mode

What is melena?

When we talk about melena, we refer to the presence of blood in the stool. Bleeding is typically located in the upper part of the ‘digestive tract above the ileocecal

Anuria and oliguria: what to do?

The anuria Is the failure of the kidney to produce urine. Oliguria, on the other hand, is the production of insufficient amount of urine to maintain homeostasis. Le causes may

Hymenoptera venom allergy

Allergy due to the components of the venom contained in the sting of hymenoptera can cause extensive local reactions or systemic reactions. As for the extensive local reactions edema appears

Electrocution: what to do

In electrocution , the greatest damage is visible inside the body, even though the burn may appear small and superficial. What to do? Make sure the place is safe, unplug

Tooth/mouth injury

Biting of the lips and tongue What do? In the case of biting our lips or the tongue, apply direct pressure to the bleeding area with gauze sterile or with

Poisonings: dinitro-compounds

These compounds are used in orchards as a “winter wash” and as a herbicides in summer. From a toxicological point of view, their action biochemistry is common to all compounds.

Meningitis in children

Meningitis is one of the neurological diseases most commonly acquired during childhood. It is the infection of the meninges due to the penetration of pathogens into the subarachnoid space and

Irritants, corrosives and caustics

There are plenty of chemicals on the market with irritating, corrosive and caustic characteristics to living tissue. Accidents can occur in both adults and children, who do not know the

Status of epileptic illness


When we speak of seizure sickness we refer to recurrent compulsive seizures without restoration of consciousness before the onset of a new seizure. In children, it is necessary to ensure adequate breathing, initiate oxygen administration and keep mechanical ventilation equipment ready. Establish, then a venous line and perform a blood draw for subsequent laboratory investigation.

Treatment requires the use of Diazempam intravenously. If the sick state does not recede, the patient will have to be transferred to an Intensive Care Unit to induce a pharmacological coma with barbiturates.

Source: Mediserve‘s Medical Emergencies in Pediatrics.


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    Geriatrics, Certifying Doctor, Basic Doctors

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