Shock in children

Shock is the condition in which the circulatory supply is Insufficient to meet the body’s metabolic needs. Tissue hypoperfusion can be realized through three mechanisms: the reduction of global blood

Main types of poisoning: alcohol.

In the case of ethanol poisoning, the central effect is. strictly dose-dependent, with progression of brain structures more specialized. Methanol, on the other hand, exerts less depression on the system

Meningitis in children

Meningitis is one of the neurological diseases most commonly acquired during childhood. It is the infection of the meninges due to the penetration of pathogens into the subarachnoid space and

The toxic shock syndrome

Toxic shock syndrome is a particularly risky type of shock caused by toxins produced by bacteria (staphylococcus or streptococcus).

Urgent endoscopy in pediatrics

Digestive endoscopy with fiberoptic instruments is also considered a routine technique in the pediatric age group. The examination often needs to be performed urgently, within 24 to 48 hours of

Cyanide poisoning and derivatives

Cyanide ranks first as a pesticide, but it is not the only way through which you can poison yourself. Organic cyanides are highly toxic if ingested. These salts can also

Main types of poisoning: salicylates

The most common type of poisoning is from aspirin, a drug that contains acetylsalicylic acid. Aspirin tablets are very popular among adults intent on poisoning. In the body, salicylates exert

Coma: what to do?

The Coma is the morbid condition characterized by loss of consciousness with reduced o absent responsiveness to sensory stimuli and preservation of function vegetative. Four levels of coma are distinguished:

Bronchial asthma in children

Asthma bronchial is due to mucosal edema and stagnation of sputum. To evaluate the severity of asthma it is necessary to reconstruct the patient’s life through previous hospitalizations, feeding and

Carbamate insecticides: what are they?

Carbamate insecticides are being used more and more often as commercial pesticides. The pharmacological action is similar to that of the organophosphorus compounds, with the difference that binding to cholinesterases

Anuria and oliguria: what to do?


The anuria Is the failure of the kidney to produce urine. Oliguria, on the other hand, is the production of insufficient amount of urine to maintain homeostasis. Le causes may be pre-renal with hypovolemia, heart failure, and shock; renal with acute glomerulonephritis, vasculitis, uratic nephropathy, necrosis acute tubular, acute interstitial nephritis from toxins or drugs; post renal with obstructions. It is necessary to proceed with a quick medical history, assessment of the status of the circle, bladder characterization and undergo a renal ultrasonography.

In the case of pre-renal failure, circulation must be restored with hydration, transfusion, or shock therapy. In the case of organic insufficiency, it is necessary to put the child on general measures with weight control and fluid and diuresis control. Drug therapy involves fluid intake and correction of hyperpotassemia. It is important to avoid drugs or substances that may increase kidney damage. In terms of nutrition, calories and protein should be provided according to age and weight requirements.

Source: Mediserve‘s Medical Emergencies in Pediatrics.


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