What is melena?

When we talk about melena, we refer to the presence of blood in the stool. Bleeding is typically located in the upper part of the ‘digestive tract above the ileocecal

Main types of poisoning: opiates

Opiates are considered opium, morphine, pethidine, diamorphine, methadone, pentazocine, and dextropropoxyphene. These are able to sedate pain and result in drug dependence. Their production and sale are under strict control

Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy

Coagulopathy is related to different clinical pictures, involving the activation of the process of coagulation resulting in thrombus deposition in the microcircle and consumption of coagulation factors and platelets.

Types of poisoning: phosphine

Phosphine is highly toxic. Therefore, to safeguard those who are forced to use it, they are preparations were made that generate the gas on the ground. Phosphine, a when inhaled,

Emergency measures during a poisoning.

“Dum spiro spero” may be a simple aphorism, but it sets a high bar for the treatment of the poisoned patient, as any deficit in the patient’s oxygenation can impair

Main types of poisoning: ethylene glycol

Ethylene glycol can be considered an alcohol polyhydroxylated. It appears to be low in toxicity but with the intake of other medication could cause death. A dose of 100 ml

Exposure to chemicals

A corrosive substance can damage tissue within minutes, so it is very important to remove it quickly. What to do? First, immediately call for an ambulance. If the chemical remains

Foreign body (in the respiratory tract)

Children between 6 months and 3 years of age often get find themselves struggling with a foreign body in the respiratory tract. Symptoms are spasmodic coughing and sudden stridor in

Mercury Poisoning


Mercury when ingested has no effect in the body. The tiny droplets of mercury react with hydrochloric acid in the stomach to form chloride. Instead, when mercury comes into contact with the skin it is absorbed percutaneously, giving rise to the clinical picture known as hydrargyrism. From a biochemical point of view, mercury appears to have an affinity for sulfhydryl binding and is therefore capable of altering cellular metabolism. When mercury salts are ingested, the first symptoms are burning at the oral cavity, followed by constrictive-type pain retrosternally, with vomiting and diarrhea. If, on the other hand, mercury vapors are inhaled, a dry, hacking cough with dyspnea, pyrexia, and muscle aches appears after a few hours.

Diagnosis and treatment

The clinical picture, combined with the medical history, is almost always sufficient to make a diagnosis. Acute metal salt poisoning requires resuscitative treatment with hemodialysis. With metallic mercury the acute symptoms respond to symptomatic type measures so if there are signs of chronic poisoning dimercaprol therapy can be undertaken as with arsenic and with the same precautions.

Source: Vadecum of poisoning therapy by Roy Goulding


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