Chlorine-organic insecticides

Chlor-organic insecticides include aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, dicophane and lindane. Because they are substances that resist chemical degradation, they can persist in the environment, and as a result, it is mandatory

Meningitis in children

Meningitis is one of the neurological diseases most commonly acquired during childhood. It is the infection of the meninges due to the penetration of pathogens into the subarachnoid space and

Exposure to chemicals

A corrosive substance can damage tissue within minutes, so it is very important to remove it quickly. What to do? First, immediately call for an ambulance. If the chemical remains

Heavy metals and metalloids: copper

Copper is widespread in nature and is an essential element for many life forms. In the metabolic disorder known as Wilson’s disease, copper accumulates in the body leading to hepato-lental

Heavy metals and metalloids: iron

Metallic iron does not give toxicity problems, although there are people with congenital defects in matabolism, for whom it behaves like a poison. Iron salts are pharmaceuticals for the treatment

Heavy metals: lithium

Lithium is a metal that is quite widely used in industry. Lithium carbonate is prescribed for the treatment of manic-depressive psychosis. The action that lithium plays at the molecular level

Suction of a foreign body

This is an event Very common in pediatric age. It is manifested by coughing and reduced vesicular murmur. The medical history is usually indicative, along with the picture that can

Poisonings: dinitro-compounds

These compounds are used in orchards as a “winter wash” and as a herbicides in summer. From a toxicological point of view, their action biochemistry is common to all compounds.

What is diabetic ketoacidosis?

The diabetic ketoacidosis can cause symptoms ranging from simple asthenia to an obnubilation of consciousness to the point of coma. It is possible that the victim also has abdominal pain,

Paracetamol: what to do?

In some countries, paracetamol is sold in quantities greater than aspirin. Most people, they do not know the differences between the two substances. For this reason, poisoning by paracetamol in

Ticks: how to get rid of them


A tick can remain in the skin for days without the victim being aware of it, as its bite is painless. Many bites are harmless, but some can transmit serious diseases.

What to do?

  1. When you realize you have a tick, remove it with tweezers or using your fingers and a paper towel. Bring the tick close to the skin surface and pull it out with steady pressure. The tick should not be grabbed from the back of the body, as the intestine may rupture and the contents may be expelled, causing an infection. To remove ticks, it is advisable not to use popular and ineffective methods such as alcohol, nail polish, kerosene gel, and petroleum derivatives.
  2. The bite part should be washed with soap and water.
  3. Apply an ice pack to reduce pain.
  4. Apply a specific lotion to relieve itching and always keep the area clean.
  5. If symptoms such as fever or intense headache occur, seek medical attention.

Source: Mediserve‘s Pocket Guide to First Aid.


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