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Exercises to improve sexual performance


In genere l’attività fisica aiuta a ravvivare la nostra vita sessuale. Alcuni esercizi in particolare migliorano la circolazione sanguigna nel corpo, aumentano la resistenza e assicurando maggiore elasticità.

Let’s not talk about more effective communication in the bedroom. These movements increase strength and flexibility to achieve the best sex ever.

What they act on: flexibility of the hips, buttocks.
They improve sex because: the wider the range of mobility of the hips, the easier you will be able to assume and maintain any position you have in mind with your partner, especially those where the legs are set high or, conversely, tend downward, explains Dr. Sari Locker, a sex educator at Columbia University. Stronger glutes will help you generate more power if, usually, you are the most active partner in any position.
How to perform the exercise: Imagine yourself in the center of a clock, with the 12 pointed at the floor in front of you and the six immediately behind you, explains Susan Stanley, Equinox trainer. Step forward with the right foot in a lunge position, with the foot pointed at 12 o’clock. Keep your weight on your right heel and push on it to return to the starting position. Repeat the same movement with your right foot to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 o’clock on your imaginary clock, then switch to your left foot and proceed with lunges from 6 to 12 o’clock. When you feel comfortable with balance, you can add dumbbells to increase resistance and develop greater strength. For greater difficulty you can increase the speed (while maintaining the correct position) to also add cardio activity and improve your energy in longer sessions.

What they act on: shoulders, arms and trunk.
They improve sex because: positions where you have to support yourself against something (headboard, wall, kitchen countertop) or support your own weight require a very strong trunk and upper part, Locker explains.
How to perform the Halo: Grab a medium-weight dumbbell, with feet shoulder-width apart and torso erect. Lift the weight above your head and, slowly, twirl it around your head as if you were tracing a wide halo. Keep your back straight when you lift the weight, don’t let it arch. If you feel unstable, you can split the exercise for more stability, Stanley explains: feet shoulder-width apart, but with the right foot in front of the left foot by about a foot (or vice versa). This exercise is also perfect for men, especially those who are usually on top. Does anyone want to do pair training?
How to perform “full-circle” planks: start from the plank position on the hands or forearms. Hold it for thirty seconds, then switch to the right side plank where the body is turned to the left and you support yourself with your right hand or forearm. Stay like this for 30 seconds. Controlling the movement, turn into reverse plank position, supporting yourself with your hands and looking toward the ceiling instead of the floor. The shoulders should be at the wrists, while the legs are aligned. (If turning around is too difficult for you, it is also fine to return to the plank position and reposition to the reverse plank position.) Hold the position for another 30 seconds, then switch to left-side plank for another 30. Once you gain more confidence, try adding movements with your hips. You can move them side to side in each of the positions performed or move them in a circle if you feel up to it, Stanley says. The key is to move only your hips, trying to keep the rest of your body still.

What it acts on: pelvic floor muscles, trunk.
Improves sex because: strengthening your pelvic floor muscles can help you feel more pleasure and reduce pain during sex. With classic Kegel exercises you isolate these muscles, while here you work with the upper body simultaneously.
How to do the exercise: sit on a fitball with your hands on your hips, abdominals and pelvic muscles contracted, and the sole of your foot resting on the floor. Keeping your upper part and legs still, use your abs to move your hips forward and backward between 12 and 6 o’clock, and then again between 3 and 9 o’clock. You won’t get any benefit on your pelvic muscles if you don’t make a conscious effort to strengthen them: you should feel as if you are clutching an internal pad, throughout the exercise. Then, move your hips in a circle, complete the turn and then proceed in the reverse direction. If you don’t have a fitball, stand up and mimic the hula-hoop movement, which works the same muscles. (If you have an actual hula hoop in your house, even better!)

What it works on: buttocks and pelvic floor muscles.
It improves sex because: the glutes provide the strength for any movement that involves thrusting, Locker explains, and you will also strengthen the pelvic floor muscles here as well.
How to do the exercise: Lie on the floor with your arms along your sides, the soles of your feet on the floor and your knees bent at 45 degrees. Contract your glutes as you raise your butt and lower back, and at the same time, contract your pelvic floor muscles as well. Lift until abdomen and knees are on one straight line, hold for one second then return to starting position. You can add difficulty by keeping dumbbells at hip height, or you can try the one-legged bridge, Stanley explains, with one leg pointed toward the ceiling, foot flexed and heel pushed toward the other as you lift butt and lower back.

What it works on: quadriceps and glutes.
It improves sex because: you will have more strength in standing positions and more control over your hips, in all positions.
How to do the exercise: standing with your back against the wall, feet shoulder-width apart a few centimeters from you. Glide with your back along the wall, moving your feet further apart if necessary. The goal is to bring the knees to ninety degrees, keeping them at the ankles at all times. Hold the position until you feel burning in your thighs, then carry your feet a little further apart. Hold the position again, then bring your feet a little farther and farther apart and hold the position. For added difficulty, Stanley recommends single-leg squats: you lift one foot while holding the position and then switch legs.



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