Caustic ingestions

Caustics are the substances capable of damaging the digestive system. Symptoms present during caustic ingestion include crying, dysphagia, vomiting, chest pain, laryngeal stridor, profuse sialorrhea, possible respiratory distress. Caustics can

What is diabetic ketoacidosis?

The diabetic ketoacidosis can cause symptoms ranging from simple asthenia to an obnubilation of consciousness to the point of coma. It is possible that the victim also has abdominal pain,

Muscle injuries

A muscle tear occurs when the muscle is forced beyond its range of motility. RICE procedures must be used. Cramps are spasms uncontrolled muscles, causing pain and loss of

Cyanide poisoning and derivatives

Cyanide ranks first as a pesticide, but it is not the only way through which you can poison yourself. Organic cyanides are highly toxic if ingested. These salts can also

Ingestion of poisonous substances

Ingested poisons normally stay in the stomach for a short time. Absorption occurs after the poison has passed through the small intestine. A poisonous substance does more damage to the

Main types of poisoning: ethylene glycol

Ethylene glycol can be considered an alcohol polyhydroxylated. It appears to be low in toxicity but with the intake of other medication could cause death. A dose of 100 ml

Main types of poisoning: salicylates

The most common type of poisoning is from aspirin, a drug that contains acetylsalicylic acid. Aspirin tablets are very popular among adults intent on poisoning. In the body, salicylates exert

Status of epileptic illness

When we speak of seizure sickness we refer to recurrent compulsive seizures without restoration of consciousness before the onset of a new seizure. In children, it is necessary to ensure

Formaldehyde: what is it?


Formaldehyde is a gas that dissolves in water, resulting in a formalin solution. In the atmosphere, formaldehyde gas is very irritating and causes coughing, tearing, eye burning and pain, bronchial irritation and pulmonary edema. If a subject ingests formalin, it acts as a corrosive agent.


Reactions to vapors should be treated symptomatically, with the certainty of avoiding further exposure. When formaldehyde is ingested, the treatment to be used is the same as for corrosive poisoning.

Source: Vadecum of poisoning therapy by Roy Goulding


  • Profile picture of Dott. Flavio Della Croce
    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    Psychotherapists, Basic Doctors

    • Via Sacconi 1 - Borgonovo Val Tidone
  • Profile picture of Dr. Giuseppe Panico
    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    Dermatologists, Basic Doctors

    • Viale Prassilla 41 - Roma
  • Profile picture of Dr. Francesca Marceddu
    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    Anesthesiologists, Basic Doctors

    • Via del Risorgimento 49 - Pirri
  • Profile picture of Dott.ssa Monica Calcagni
    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    Gynecologists, Aesthetic Doctors, Basic Doctors

    • Via Casilina 32 - Arce
  • Profile picture of Dott. Giovanni Adamo
    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    Angiologists, Basic Doctors

    • Provincia di Ragusa - Ragusa


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Allergic rhinitis

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Dry eye

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Sjögren’s syndrome

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Glaucoma is a serious eye disease that can cause blindness, mainly due to increased pressure inside the eye that damages the optic nerve. The disease can occur at any age,

Diabetic retinopathy

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