The toxic shock syndrome

Toxic shock syndrome is a particularly risky type of shock caused by toxins produced by bacteria (staphylococcus or streptococcus).

Tetany: what to do?

Tetany is divided into: manifest, latent and alkalosic. Symptoms of manifest tetany include muscle aches and cramps, opisthotonos, paresthesias or stiffness in the hands and feet. Convulsions, laryngospasms, and carpo-podal

Arsina: what to do?

Arsine is a gas that is handled in its pure state in industry or is unexpectedly released from other metals when they come into contact with nascent hydrogen. Arsine has

Safe Food Cutting

A new video podcast by My Special Doctor presented by Dr. Maria Chiara Villa

What is epiglottitis?

Epiglottitis is an acute infection, most common from 3 to 6 years of age. Symptoms exhibited during the onset of epiglottitis are fever, septic status, forced posture, dysphagia, hoarse voice,

What is plateletopenia?

The plateletopenia is the condition in which the number of platelets is lower to 150,000 mmc. This can occur due to reduced production, from sequestration or by an increase in

Pneumonia in children


Pneumonia is a disease characterized by inflammation of the pulmonary alveoli, which are fill with fluid that hinders respiratory function. The most Common are fever, vomiting and poor appetite, but sometimes coughing also occurs, polypnea and rarely chest pain.

If the child is very dyspnoic it is necessary to administer O2. In the presence of pleural effusion or of pneumothorax contact the surgeon immediately so that he or she will aspirate the exudate.

The laboratory tests to be performed are blood culture and tuberculin intradermo. It is important that the child’s respiratory rate and heart rate be checked every 4-6 hours.

Source: Mediserve‘s Medical Emergencies in Pediatrics.


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