Adult function and adolescence

Parents, teachers, janitors, doctors, sports coaches, as well as subway passengers or spectators in a movie theater, we are all adults in different roles. But precisely all of us, as

The revolution of the adolescent self

As we know, adolescence is an extremely vibrant and fruitful phase of human development in which the line between normality and pathology becomes difficult to draw.

Vaccinazione Antinfluenzale Pediatrica

Un nuovo podcast di My Special Doctor a cura del Dott. Piercarlo Salari sul tema della Vaccinazione Antinfluenzale Pediatrica  Vaccinazione antinfluenzale pediatrica

How to treat encephalitis

Encephalitis is an inflammatory process of the central nervous system in which the major area is the brain parenchyma. If spinal, sensory, and motor roots are also involved, the term

What is plateletopenia?


The plateletopenia is the condition in which the number of platelets is lower to 150,000 mmc. This can occur due to reduced production, from sequestration or by an increase in distribution. Common signs and symptoms are bleeding surface, hematuria, melena, hepato-spenomegaly, anemia, and symptoms related to previous infectious diseases.

Which laboratory tests is it necessary to perform?

The laboratory tests to be performed with some urgency are the examination CBC with leukocyte formula, to check the actual presence of plateletopenia. If platelets between 20,000 and 150,000/mmc are present, they are not Specific interventions required, except in cases of severe bleeding. If the platelets are less than 20,000/mmc without signs of bleeding you need to keep the patient under close clinical observation. If the platelets are greater than 20,000 with major bleeding, a transfusion of platelets.

Source: Emergencies medical doctors in pediatrics from Mediserve


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