Perhaps a little dehydrated

When one is thirsty and feels the need to drink, it is already a sign of dehydration. Fatigue may also depend on a dehydration condition. The body has a constant

Magnesium: why it is needed, where to find it

Magnesium is an essential mineral for efficient muscle contraction and nervous system function, as well as needed to optimize sugar and bone metabolism, counter migraine and PMS, and more. To

Does caffeine increase anxiety or not?

Caffeine is a stimulant substance and, as such, in addition to keeping you more alert, improving concentration and physical and intellectual performance, it can promote increased anxiety in people who

Allergies: between truth and false myths

Le allergies seasonal are increasingly prevalent among both children and adults, for reasons ranging from increased pollen production by some plants to global warming, from a greater generalized predisposition of

Itching from hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids, in addition to being a recurrent and annoying disorder to keep under control, can sometimes also be the source of increasing itching, a mixed sensation of discomfort and burning

Psychosomatic itching

Itching can sometimes be psychosomatic in nature, caused by severe states of anxiety or stress. Psychosomatic itching is localized to a specific location on the body, not resulting from internal

Can the smartphone make us fat?

Between apps to promote physical activity, monitor cardiopulmonary performance, weight and calorie intake, smartphones would seem to be great allies of physical fitness. Yet this is not always the case,

Memory hostage to obesity

Being overweight is a significant risk factor for many disorders and diseases. When the body mass index exceeds values such as 29-30, the possibility of suffering from memory loss or

Tired? If you get little sleep…


Insufficient sleep can cause reduced physical energy and recurrent sleepiness.

The adult body requires 7-8 hours of sleep per night in order to feel strong and with good ability to concentrate.

Sleep must become a regular appointment and must be protected.

The sleeping environment should be cozy and quiet, thus without phones, computers, TVs or other disturbing instruments.


  • Profile picture of Dott.ssa Erminia Maria Ferrari
    active 4 years, 1 month ago

    Homeopathic Medicine, Basic Doctors, Pediatricians

    • Via San Carlo 3 - Castel Rozzone
  • Profile picture of Dr. Antonio Varriale
    active 4 years, 1 month ago

    Aesthetic Doctors, Dentists, Basic Doctors

    • Via Grotta dell Olmo 20 - Giugliano in Campania
  • Profile picture of Dott.ssa Irene Pistis
    active 4 years, 1 month ago

    Aesthetic Doctors, Basic Doctors, Certifying Doctor

    • Via della Reoubblica 461/3 - Vergato
  • Profile picture of Dr. Fabio Fabi
    active 4 years, 1 month ago

    Sports Doctors, Internist, Basic Doctors

    • Via Sarsina 147 - Roma
  • Profile picture of Dott.ssa Anna Puccio
    active 4 years, 1 month ago

    Gynecologists, Basic Doctors

    • Via Vincenzo Ponsati 69 - Volvera



Alcoholism is a real disease because of the way it presents itself, the disorders it causes, and the symptoms it gives the patient. The term Alcoholism is used when disorders

Restless leg syndrome

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Insomnia is an extremely common sleep disorder that can affect people of all ages for different reasons and come in various forms and variations, all of which have in common


Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that causes the sufferer to voluntarily deprive himself or herself of food or to consume extremely limited amounts of food that are not compatible

Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease is an aging-related neurodegenerative disorder of the central nervous system, affecting about 2.5% of people over 70 years of age, which is mainly characterized by resting tremor in


Fainting is a simple term in common use that is used to describe a loss of consciousness that can occur at any time in life for countless reasons, more or

Mild cognitive decline

Mild cognitive impairment (MDI) is a form of decline in intellectual performance and ability to store and organize activities intermediate between the physiological decline in mental performance and responsiveness associated

Obsessive compulsive disorder

Obsessive compulsive disorder is a psychiatric disorder characterized by recurring thoughts, accompanied by completely irrational and unfounded fears and worries, that lead the sufferer to continuously repeat, in an obsessive


Headache, the so-called “headache,” is probably the most common form of pain. It is chronic or recurrent pain affecting various structures of the head, such as arterial and venous vessels,

Panic attack

What is meant by a panic attack? It is understood as the sudden manifestation of a strong fear accompanied by an equally intense physical symptomatology despite the absence of an

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