Burn-out syndrome

Burn-out refers to a phenomenon typical of those professions that have in their mandate the connotation of being “helpful to others.” Implicit in these professions is a direct relationship between

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Stop for a moment: the starting point


If you are not fit there is no opportunity for growth, in fact every individual needs to stop, to regain strength and thoughts. Today’s society seems to be pushing for unacceptable solutions, so much so that the use of psychoactive substances, without which some people would have serious work difficulties, is well known. Every now and then there is a need to give oneself a break, a controlled slowing down of time. If monotony and hustle and bustle create obstacles to minting, the break offers an opportunity to devote time to scheduling space for reflection. The sheer volume of commitments limits creativity, takes away space for reflection, and if this is happening both on a personal level and in the work environment, there must be a greater awareness of the sense of security that comes from being able to rely on certain moments of growth.

With well-organized break times, it is possible to check the level of skills acquired with respect to the role held. If a better future is desired, it is necessary to learn to live well in the present, treasuring the past. In fact, the past is often experienced as a burden that affects the future. Past experience is important, but being present to oneself in any circumstance is even more so.

Everyone is free to decide what success means, but the best success one can have in life is to be satisfied with the present and be clear about what one wants from life. It is very important to have a personal view of events, to know how to select and manage the best opportunities, and to choose where to pour the best investments. Many people tend to procrastinate, are afraid of change, and live with the hope that the future will change but without their commitment.

Source: I don't have time for... How it wears out care: health workers under stress by Ferdinando Pellegrino


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    General Surgeons, Basic Doctors

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