Vaccines, it is alarm throughout Italy

The situation in Italy regarding the vaccines: almost in all regions there is less than 95 percent coverage, a threshold that does not guarantee herd immunity. The past few days

Bad habits that cause back pain

When back pain is present too many times in our daily lives, after doing all the clinical investigations to rule out specific diseases, we need to question our habits, canceling or changing those that could be the cause.

Edward de Bono. Simplicity.

Edward de Bono in his book assumes that there is often an easy way to do things. In life many problems can be identified and solved in a short time,

New treatment for acute myeloid leukemia

Therapy of acute myeloid leukemia Until 2017, the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) has always consisted of chemotherapy and bone marrow transplantation. Now available is midostaurin, the first drug

Teaching first aid techniques in Italian schools will start in September


There is great excitement about the implementation of the legislation, provided for in the Good School law, on teaching the main first aid techniques in all schools nationwide. This is an extremely important initiative as it could enable the saving of numerous lives, both in school and in everyday life. Knowing, in fact, what the main life-saving techniques are can help us in many daily situations, both in terms of recognizing on one’s own body worrisome signs that indicate the imminent manifestation of a certain pathology (heart attack is certainly among them), and in rushing to the aid of a family member, relative or unknown individual (in the case of a sick person in the street) to the point of even saving his or her life.

The initiative was entrusted by the Miur to Mario Balzanelli, president of Sis 118, who defines the path taken as, “A great cultural operation, which sees Italy at the top in the world and pink jersey for the initiative concerning lessons to kindergarten children.” Before starting with lessons throughout Italy, an experiment was carried out, as is appropriate in such cases, involving several schools throughout Italy, belonging to different levels of education. The results have been extremely positive and encouraging-so much so that, fortunately, the service will be expanded nationwide.

The trial

The experimental classes were held in several cities in Italy (Taranto, Vibo Valentia, Sassari, Salerno, Campobasso, Latina, Pistoia, Perugia, Macerata, Savona, Sondrio, Padua, and Trieste) and were enthusiastically received by both the pupils, some older and some less so, and the teachers and all school staff. At the end of the course, estimates speak of about 4,500 students involved. According to the predetermined schedule, the youngest children, i.e., those in kindergartens, were taught to recognize the greatest dangers to their person and to alert adults or call 911. As they grow older, children’s skills also increase; in fact, in elementary school students learned how to recognize a heart attack and practice cardiac massage, as well as study the main maneuvers for removing an external body from the airway. In middle school, however, they worked on artificial respiration, first aid in case of bleeding, and how to treat burn wounds. Finally, the older children learned how to use a defibrillator, open the airway, stabilize the neck, immobilize limbs, and, more generally, saw in detail how to medicate an injury.

This is a really fruitful path, according to Balzanelli’s own words in fact, “With this project on life-saving maneuvers taught to young people, 5 million students and 800,000 teachers and Ata staff will be trained. Each year with Maturity, 500,000 young people will leave schools able to use a defibrillator and with a Blsd certificate.” Important numbers and that could help save number of lives.


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