When work takes your breath away

When it comes to safety in the workplace one is inclined to think primarily of accidents that can occur while using machinery and tools, while driving motor vehicles, through accidental

The management of complexity

The Internet offers many insights into the theme of complexity, a web in which one can become bound with no way out. Daily life is characterized by stimuli, problems, unexpected

Quarantine: impact and psychological costs

The Lancet Journal published a very recent review regarding the impact and cost in psychological terms from quarantine. Consideration was given to 24 papers done between 2004 and 2020 in

Consequences of job stress in health care

In health care, job stress can take on particular characteristics in relation to the specific professionalism required. Occupational stress can depend on: medical error, work injury, work conflict, impairment of

Bad habits that cause back pain

When back pain is present too many times in our daily lives, after doing all the clinical investigations to rule out specific diseases, we need to question our habits, canceling or changing those that could be the cause.

Bruno S. Frey. Not only for money.


According to Bruno S. Frey, man is not driven to work only by economic factors; in fact, in his book he clearly expresses some fundamental concepts on the subject. The crisis of the current corporate structure is described by Corinne Mayer, who confirms the hypothesis that we need to understand the malaise of people within companies. It is important to be close to people, to encourage them, to praise them, but also to rebuke them.

A nice read is Spencer Johnson ‘s “Who Moved My Cheese?”, an essay whose philosophy can help people face any obstacle and be happier in their daily lives. Also in Franco D’Egidio ‘s book, we find useful tips for enhancing human capital.

Source: I don’t have time for… How it wears out care: health workers under stress by Ferdinando Pellegrino


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