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Bad habits that cause back pain


When back pain is present too many times in our daily lives, after doing all the clinical investigations to rule out specific diseases, we need to question our habits, canceling or changing those that could be the cause.
Estimates have been made about the prevalence of this disorder: an ever-increasing portion of the population, as much as 80 percent may be affected by back pain at some point in their lives.
Certain daily habits along with incorrect postural attitudes can negatively affect a person’s osteo-articular structure to the point of causing permanent discomfort.

If you become aware of this and intend to spare your body this constant stress, then you need to make some rules your own:

  • Doing exercise: the habit of not doing any exercise, either general or specifically of certain areas of the body such as the abdomen and back, can result in a wrong postural posture that gradually causes low back pain (lumbago), while instead exercises to strengthen the abdominal and back muscles can instead be a good premise for maintaining right postures that prevent low back pain.
  • Exercises such as Pilates exercises can help prevent low back pain.
  • Other physical activities such as swimming tend to strengthen the abdominal and back muscles, as well as promote better cardiovascular fitness.
  • Riding a bicycle, even if it is only on the flat, keeps the supporting muscles of the back exercising through steady pedaling.
  • Simple walking, even when other forms of exercise cannot be practiced, helps to improve circulation, stress the muscle structure and protect the back in a preventive way.
  • Adopt a light diet that promotes good digestion.
  • Avoid weight gain that goes to aggravate the tolerance capacity of the vertebral structure.
  • Avoid smoking, which goes to worsen the general circulation and that near the lumbar area by limiting its supply to the vertebral muscles, and putting stress on the discs.

Finally, it may help to learn to assume correct postures recommended by expert physiatrists that can serve to prevent damage and injury in the lower back, such as, when standing, trying to keep the knees slightly flexed while simultaneously holding one foot in an advanced position so as to relieve strain on the lower back, or again when sitting, arranging yourself so as to keep the hips in a higher position than the knees.
When lifting a heavy weight, it is advisable to avoid placing the strain solely on the back, or to seek help from others for better weight distribution.


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