What are the causes of cystitis?

The causes of cystitis (reasons why the bladder becomes inflamed), are many. We will discuss only cystitis from infectious causes and, specifically, bacterial cystitis, the most frequent and the most

The toxic shock syndrome

Toxic shock syndrome is a particularly risky type of shock caused by toxins produced by bacteria (staphylococcus or streptococcus).

Plastics: how to avoid contamination

The problem is serious, and photos of paradisiacal seas turned into floating plastic dumps or fish with guts full of synthetic debris demonstrate this unequivocally. To solve this, we need

Twelve diets to avoid at all times

Spring is coming, and those obsessed with the swimsuit test know they need to prepare in time if they want to shed the unbearable extra pounds accumulated over the winter

Family life and obsessive compulsive disorder

Obsessive compulsive disorder is a disease capable of disrupting those affected, completely changing their habits, activities and quality of life, but it extends its consequences to the patient's family causing a difficult and challenging living condition.

The itching of the ear


The ear can also be the source of an itching disorder , so much so that it forces us to unadvisable and rudimentary scratching to find a modicum of relief, a dangerous action often suddenly entrusted to a frantic finger, and a harbinger of worsening due to possible local infection.
It should be mentioned that itching is a symptom of a few possible causes, including an infection of the outer earotitis resulting in inflammation, a viral or fungal infection, or, more simply, an occlusion from a plug of earwax in the ear canal.
It is important to be followed by the ENT specialist.

If the problem is cerumen occlusion, removal of the plug with warm water will suffice, but if the problem is more serious, immediate drug treatment will be needed to prevent the damage produced by the infection from creating consequences in the inner ear.


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    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    Orthopedists, Basic Doctors, Osteopaths

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