Bleeding: what to do?

In case of bleeding: Protect yourself from infection, wear latex gloves and if these are not available use different states of gauze or tissue. Cover the wound with a gauze

Complications in Lyme disease

As lyme borreliosis is a multisystem disease, which can therefore affect systems, apparatuses and organs (skin, nervous system, eyes, cardiovascular system, joints), the symptoms can be varied and refer to the different damage caused by the spread of the infection by the bacterium.

Sexual Habits: Outercourse, non-penetrative sex

Sexual partners may move toward outcourse for a variety of reasons of a practical, ideological, moral, or religious nature, to limit the risk of pregnancy, as a matter of sexual preference , as an alternative to menstruation, or for medical impediments that advise against penetration at a given time.

Sleep apnea, effects on sexuality

People suffering from sleep apnea look for possible solutions, worn out by the resulting consequences that significantly affect their quality of life.

Acute abdomen: what to do?

At the time the acute abdomen occurs, surgical intervention is necessary. Abdominal pain is of different types depending on the etiology. General symptoms are visceral pain, pain from the peritoneum-parietal,

Can bipolar disorder be prevented?

Prevention with this disorder is not comparable to what is required for other clinical conditions, as it is a disorder of the mind that affects the mood sphere, but intervening in a timely manner at the first signs of mental illness is a definite advantage with respect to the future condition of the sick person, thus preventing the worsening of the illness.

What are the causes of cystitis?


The causes of cystitis (reasons why the bladder becomes inflamed), are many. We will discuss only cystitis from infectious causes and, specifically, bacterial cystitis, the most frequent and the most common since the other forms of cystitis are by the physician easily traced to their causes.

It is important to remember that:

  • When cystitis recurs over time, it is critical to consult your doctor. Alterations that promote infection should be ruled out.
  • The bacteria that cause cystitis are normally present in the intestinal flora and come from there to colonize the urinary tract.
  • the highest frequency of cystitis is observed in women, especially in childbearing age, related to anatomical conformation and behavioral habits.
  • Cystitis should not be underestimated when it occurs frequently: consult your doctor to prevent complications and kidney involvement.

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