The risk of fungal infections in swimming pools

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Cushing’s syndrome: causes and remedies

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Infertility in the life of a couple

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The economics of human potential

Can one really take care of the early stages of life? Can we really expect to decrease organic and mental pathology and increase the individual's human and social development potential? Or is it a mere utopia that cannot have practical and organizational feedback?

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Life, work and habits of the person with glaucoma


Glaucoma is a condition of the eye in which the optic nerve may be progressively damaged until visual ability is lost and impaired, in some cases, to the point of blindness.

In many cases, this condition is considered on a par with a disability from a disabling disease, entailing consequences in terms of disability to perform certain personal activities, to perform certain trades or professions, so much so that one’s lifestyle is changed altogether.

Some jobs, such as driving public transportation, cannot be performed by a person whose eyesight is impaired by glaucoma, so appropriate health certification aimed at social security allows the worker to be granted the necessary levels of disability.

Those with glaucoma, even before selecting their lifestyle habits and activities, should stick to some rules, including do’s and don’ts.

  • Rely on the constant care of an eye care specialist, adhering strictly to prescribed therapies.
  • Adopt a fatty acid-free diet to keep cholesterol levels under control, which causes damage to the circulation and optic nerve.
  • Screen for any food allergies with the aim of preventing food allergens from promoting the onset of glaucoma.
  • Avoid walking rough trails, walking on barely perceptible uneven ground, or on slippery or poorly lit sections of state.
  • Avoid getting behind the wheel of a car, especially in the evening with little light, or even during the day if one’s visual ability is insufficient.

Glaucoma can also impact the ability to drive. Obstacles, cars or even people may be unseen , especially when they are in positions lateral to the field of view.
In fact, some studies show that especially in older patients already suffering from glaucoma, a cataract disorder may coincide, which contributes to further deterioration of vision quality.

  • Equip one’s home with effective lighting that makes visible even the shaded sections and especially the interior stairs between rooms, which the reduced field of view , especially in the downward portion of the field , may not perceive a step with the risk of ruinous falls.


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